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The Late Night Jibber Jabber


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I had a dream last night that I was in the middle of a horror movie directed by Errol Morris, and that there was this kid in a swimming pool talking to a demon spirit that lived inside him that kept saying, "Billy you're dreaming, Billy you're dreaming," over and over again, until the kid realized that what it was really saying was, "Billy, you're drowning," and he was dead.

Then, on the other end of the swimming pool, Alan Ginsburg (not played by himself) and Neil Young were playing a crappy Neil Young song live on the radio using electronic equipment, and Neil told Alan to take over playing the organ so that he could find an amp cord so I could play the theremin with them.

The whole time there were these little rabbits running around, and if you punched them, their heads fell off and they squirted chocolate everywhere.

Then, I woke up to find my co-worker pointing out that I shouldn't be sleeping on the job.

Carry on,


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Well after this girl screwed me over from going to New Roc City with her, she gives me her house # to call her, because her cell phone got stolen, so I call her up. We catch up on things and she apologizes for the eye incident. Basically the eye incident was when I was walking her home, she slipped on some ice and grabbed on to me and accidentaly poked my right eye. It turned red, you know, whatever, and since then she's been apologizing to me for days. What a b'tch.

Anyway, I head on over to her house to discuss things over some hot coffee.

I come back home to play some NCAA.

end of story.

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I saw your game on Behind the Lines man, they were talking about how the controller had disconnected and the continuous attempts at finishing up the game. Did I forget the results of your game have been posted up at Wikipedia?


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Well, upon an agreement between me and the Fuzz, We will be having a special interview hosted on Total Classics.com.

But this won't be an ordinary interview. We're talkin live, with the MP3, WAV, streaming audio, transcript, you name it. Hopefully we're gonna cover everything in huge friggin detail


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was scared to join your Night jibber Jabber, because I did not think that I belonged. I like shooting the crap with people about anything. I have a open mind about everything. I did not think that I belonged because I don't have a title. I would really like to join you people in some late nite jibber jabber. What do you think about all the cool movies being shot in Spokane? I already saw Samual L Jackson and got his autograph, it was one of those at the right place at the right time things.

Just like J. Rivers says, can we talk?

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I have question for you guys. What does everyone do when no one is on or there are no new replies to threads? I usually just wait.

Well ya, You just wait while you thread goes down and down, hoping some poor soul would respond to bring it back to life, and then you are back in business!

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