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The Late Night Jibber Jabber


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ok so listen up

i just tried patch1,2,3,4,5,and a regular install and ur 5.2 rosters

you see -- the problem isn't that SOME OF US are having the problem. We all have the problem, it's just you wouldn't be able to tell since some of league owners are national league.

the problem is when an american league team hosts the game.

so i tried it out with Stuckie, i was the White Sox, he was the angels and i only have DH off. It doesn't effect his AMERICAN LEAGUE TEAM. the dh is still on for him.

so i've gone on and on trying to figure it out and when i pick the cubs or any other NATIONAL LEAGUE Team, DH is off as i please for the both of us.

so now the only thing i can't explain is how carter(Blue Jays) plays Big Schmooz(Red Sox) and how big schmooz can host with DH OFF for both?


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All I know about this Fuzz is that when KC and I tried to play and I hosted, he had a DH and I had my pitcher hit.

Then, we started again and KC did something with his configuration file. Exactly what he did you got to ask him. So we started again and he had the same DH hit and my pitcher was hitting.

Finally, we turned the DH on and played with it for both teams because nothing worked.

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yeah its not kc's fault, but when i play -- DH on is my fault? Carter's accusing me of stuff way out of whack and i so don't appreciate that.

he's like reading my sentences and reading the words he likes.

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yeah its not kc's fault, but when i play -- DH on is my fault? Carter's accusing me of stuff way out of whack and i so don't appreciate that.

he's like reading my sentences and reading the words he likes.

I don't know how you played, but this DH crap is a big problem. I don't like it.

I blame EA.

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And so here I am tonight. And I face another dilemma. With females again.

There's this girl that I like talking to, her name is Kimberly. Now, she has had a boyfriend named Marlon for a couple years, and recently she and him haven't really been doing too well in a relationship, and on Thursday she had hit me up on the PTT to catch up on things and she tells me she broke up with her boyfriend. I've been in the know of this for a while seeing as she's been telling me that Marlon has been cheating on her and she has seen him cheat etc., and so she says she's finally seriously decided to leave him. Now, I'm not Dr. Phil or Hitch or anything like that, so I say that whatever I can do to make her feel better, I'll do it.

So she tells me, don't worry (Kccitystar), I'm all yours now. In my mind I say, JACKPOT but all I said back was "You can't be serious", then she goes, "You gonna take care of me?" I was like "sure thing, why not". Now, I don't know if she was being serious but we do flirt and exchange sexual innuendos every now and then. I have a thing for older girls, seeing as I'm 18, and she's 20. Oh yes.

Anyway, this girl that lives on my block, her name is Katrece. She's been dying to speak to me, I don't know for what reason it is, and I've had a crush on her for a while only for her to say that famous line "You'll make a great boyfriend for some other girl".

I'm stuck with a dilemma but I'm going to let this situation slide for a while and see what happens.

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yo bro what up, i just got in, i heard ur message but didnt pick up cuz i was in the movie with my girl watching this new vin diesel film called "FIND ME GUILTY"

it's pretty cool, it's about the longest running mob trial ever. Anyways man, yeah man if u wanna meet up for lunch tomorrow that's cool. I'll be with my girl also since she wants to do some shopping in the morning so whatever.

if u get online, just pm me or aim me and we'll either goto that cafe lounge spot you were talking about or we'll pick some place else.

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Let's not do that. Let's hold hands and spin, and bake some cookies that we can throw at the elderly with a slingshot.

Afterwards we can go and breakdance at 42nd Street with bodybuilders that balance yo-yos on their chins.

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well, I wish I had the same dilemma as you Kc.

I been fooling around with this girl for a couple of months now, and since we're both into each other physically ( but we didn't feel like we wanted to get involved ), I thought what the heck, let's see if we can get some strictly sexual relationship going here. She's still a virgin though ( I'm 21, she's 20 ), but we've known each other for 7 years or so and she says she's ready to take the next step.

Now there's this issue of privacy. Due to circumstance, both of us still live at home, so it's not as if we can just get nekkid on the couch. Therefore, the oppurtunity rarely presented itself ... and whaddaya know? Turns out she met this guy with whom she wants to get serious with.

I'm telling ya if there's a god up there, he's one cynical son of a ...

anyway, Kc, just go with the one you like the most. Pretty simple. You're 18, got all the time in the world to get involved in serious issues like that. Just mod your girls and take care of ya jerseys .... ehh ... you know what i mean.

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