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WIP: Tradition Field


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Well I've fianally found out how to use Oedit (Thanks to Big O) and I'm working on Traditon Field. The Oediting will not be that hard dimension wise because Tradition has the same dimensions and wall heights as Shea. As we speak now I am removing the upper deck at Shea. I might get some early screens tonight.

Please if you have any pictures or any information on Tradition please post it or PM me it. Thanks!

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Well here are VERY early screenshots. I kind of want to show it step by step to show all the work going into this. I removed most of the upper deck and mezzanine. I still have to remove the crowd and the whatever is behind the center field wall before it actually looks like Tradition.


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Braves, send over any pictures you have, they would be a great help. I Just got home from practice and I'm doing some work ont he crowd. I'll post more progress later.

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I'm gona kill myself. I just spent all that time removing the seats and everything and then something weird happened. I went to Shea stadium, and all that appreared was the Big Apple. I was playing on air and everything. So this project is down, but I've been working on something special. Hopefully I can get it done and some previews soon.

Sorry if I got any hopes up for any of you wanting Tradition.

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