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Is anyone having crash problems with the new mod when you use mvpedit with it? Every time I use it with the new mod it crashes before the 1st batter comes up. What am I doing wrong? Please advise. Thanks in advance.

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Dodgers vs Cardinals in exibition mode. No additions other than making some roster moves and increases in speed, power, and some added pitches to some players through the mvpedit program.

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what version of MVPedit

2006 had issuses

ahh crap and I just recently updated. Ugh. What version is considered the most stable and such? And where can I still get an old version?

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Is your models.big in 'readonly'? If it isn't, the files slowly get corrupted over time.

I looked in MVP Edit..did not see the above "models.big" file...just where are we talking about...is it in MVP 2005?

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models.big is in the EASports/MVPbaseball folder. On my computer it looks like a notebook file(icon) that says models. Hope this helps.

Actually it's in the data folder. (which is a subfolder of the MVP baseball 2005 folder)

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