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MVP 2006: Newbie Questions


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Hello all,

First, as though it hasn't been said before, thanks for keeping MVP Baseball alive! :!:

Secondly, I just got done playing MVP 2006 NCAA for PS2 and MLB: The Show for PS2. While the gameplay and features are wonderful for NCAA, it's not real baseball. Though The Show "appeared" okay, it's also not real baseball. :wink: Why did I think it would change..... :?

As for MVP Baseball 2005, I used to kill entire days on my PS2 playing the game. Since I found this site last evening, I've now decided to order the game for my PC.

However, I think I'm a bit lost. :oops: While there's great information and everything on this site, I think it's too much for a Polack like me to absorb. That being said, where do I start? :?:

I've taken the time to look a lot of threads over - especially this one. Still, I think I have a couple of questions.

1) Does the mod "Livin' Large" feature 2005 statistics for players?

2) If I download and install the BETA version, would I be able to transfer any saved games into the Final Version?

3) Do the mods affect PC System Requirements? (Yeah, I know that may be a dumb question but I only 512MB :cry: ).

Again, a big THANKS!

Any response are greatly appreciated. Also, please be gentle. I'm a self-proclaimed Polack and I'm fragile - I bruise easily. :wink:

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Wise choice buying it for PC.

The final version, from what I 've heard, of the MVP 06 will be very demanding onyour system, so you may want to simply choose to play 05 byt to upgrade the game by downloading mods and installing specific ones yourself.

Upgrade your PC or just download mods that won't be too taxing on your system.

I can not answer questions one or two. Sorry.

And we all know you're not Polish, you're a pale white boy in your mother's basement. :o)

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And we all know you're not Polish, you're a pale white boy in your mother's basement. :o)

Actually, I was able to move to the attic as the mouse-droppings were becoming more problematic in the dank basement. :wink:

As for the system specs, I'm not too sure where to upgrade. I was looking over the system requirements again, and I double most of the important ones. Any thoughts on that?

MVP Baseball 2005 System Requirements:

* Windows XP, ME, 98 and 2000 (Windows 95, 2000 Server and NT are not supported)

* 800 MHz processor

* 128 MB RAM; 256 MB for Windows XP and Windows 2000

* CD/DVD-Rom Speed: 8x

* At least 800 MB of hard drive space

* Sound: DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card

* Keyboard

* MS compatible Mouse

* A video card with at least 32 MB

I have:

* Windows XP Professional

* 2000 MHz processor

* 512MB DDR Ram PC 2700

* ATi X700 Radeon 256MB 8x AGP

Also, I have just bought one of those PS2>USB adapters. I'm hoping it works - at least better than my Niko AirFlo USB Controller. :evil:

Also, thanks for the reply! I'm really looking forward to firing this game up!

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Ok, you may be ok with the final version of the final version of 2006, but if when you download it and have problems, first look at about 512 more of ram before making yourself go get another video card. Other than that, I can't say.

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I too only have 512 MB of RAM, but have not had any problems with any of the most demanding mods. I have a P4 2.4 Ghz and a Radeon 9800 Pro card. Basically a 3 year old Dell Dimension 8250 computer. MVP runs nice and smooth.

One thing I do is play with Windows Virtual Memory and set the min and max to 4096. That has made a nice difference on quite a few games when panning. I have alot of extra hard drive space. If anyone has any other suggestions on adjusting the virtual memory, please share it.

Dont know what to expect with the 06 mod but the mods I really enjoy are the stadiums, uniforms, rosters, overlays, and game/camera tweaks. I dont do any modding myself, so I really appreciate all the work the mod guys do.

Also, the Total Classic 5 mod is incredible if you have ANY interest in baseball nostalgia and history, not to mention the oldtime stadiums.

As for gamepads, you cant go wrong with the Logitech Rumblepad 2. It works great with all the sports games and is natively supported by MVP.

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I'd really invest in a Saitek controller for the usb, logitech makes really poor quality products at least i've had trouble with them . Maybe the rumblepad 2 is good I never tried that, but I had a regular logitech usb controller and the analogs went to crap after a few months. I bought a saitek regular controller (forgot name) and it has served me very well but the analogs kinda went to crap after a year and a half.

Now I got a saitek rumblepad force and its so good

Personally stick with the ps2 controller if you can get it working with the adapter, ps2 controllers = g0d.

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Got it! :mrgreen:

After installing the game, I went ahead and installed the PS2 Gamepad > USB adapter. That was a bit iffy... :roll: . Nonetheless, once Windows recognized the gamepad, I assigned the Logitech 12 button 4 axis profile to it and it works like a champ! 8)

Also, Sidewinder, I have to agree with Dan21tn in regards to Logitech. Back when Madden NFL 2004 was released, I bought two Logitech Dual Rumblepads. Even after taking great care of the controllers, they both broke (analog sticks), rather easily. :( But, actually in regards to what you were saying about the Logitech Rumblepad 2, I've heard a lot of positive things about it. It's just that Logitech didn't honor it's warranty with the other controllers and I'm kind of turned off by them.

As for converting MVP Baseball 2005 to MLB 2006, what's next? Again, I don't mean to be that dumb or even lazy for that matter, but I'm curious as to whether or not I should update the OEM game?

Oh, on a semi-related note, stock MVP played flawlessly with everything maxed and a resolution of 1024 x 780 @ 32-bit depth. 8)

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Alright, I've installed the complete MVP Baseball 2005 game and I've downloaded the "Livin' Large" mod to convert it to MVP Baseball 2006.

However, is there anything else I should do or need to know? That is, should I patch the OEM game first using EA's updates? I'm really eager to get this bad-boy up and actually take control of a rejuvenated Orioles team without Sammy and Raffy! 8)

Also, because I'm a bit paranoid, if I update the stock game now with Livin' Large, will I loose any progress I make if I update the game again on opening day?

Again, thanks for everyone's help thus far!

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Could someone tell me more about playing with Windows Virtual Memory and the setting of min/max?

Are you asking what it does or how to do it or both?

As for how-to adjust it, (assuming WindowsXP):

* Right-Click on My Computer

* Select Properties from the shortcut menu

* Select Advanced Tab

* Click Settings under the Performance section

* Select the Advanced Tab

* Click Change... under the Virtual Memroy section

*Go crazy! :mrgreen:

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