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freezing/hanging while simulating


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I'm a couple weeks into a Dynasty Mode season. Everything was running smoothly, until I went to play my next game.

I select the play option on the desired game, and the PC begins to simulate all the minor league games to date so I can proceed to play the MLB game. Normally, it has done so smoothly, as the orange bar sims everything up. Now, for some reason, no orange bar...just hangs. I need to end the .exe process just to get back into Windows.

Any idea what might be wrong?

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Ok, so i guess it's a nevermind...

I decided to try playing one of the minor league games i was trying without success to simulate...did so, saved the dynasty at that point and tried to simulate the remaining ones and...success. Problem solved...sort of....until next time, i suppose.

On a related note, it blows me away how unstable and fragile this game is...it's really quite amazing. In a day and age where games are being made to be modded and stability is so highly regarded, that EA could release a game that is as wonky as this...disturbing to say the least...and why should it be so?

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well, one of swingingsoriano's rosters - not sure which version - would crash/hang during the season sometimes

I never experienced this with the SS rosters myself but I have had the exact same issue with my own rosters I was tinkering with

I dont know what caused it though

Unfortunately the solution is starting a new dynasty from scratch - I suggest using the newest version of SS's rosters (if you hadn't already) or Ultimate Rosters (which have never crashed/hung for me)

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