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Website Template (For me) - Updated 3.15.06


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This is really basic, and I don't really have anything to say right now. I did this in Flash 8, and took a screenshot. Please C&C (comment and critique) and let me know what I could do to make it better. I'll update it later. Obviously nothing works right now and there's no animation.


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Overall look is good, although Frontpage (on the right-hand side seperator) says "Fron:page" and the "www.jeffphilbin.com" background extends out of the frame.

Nice job. :)

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Thanks...I don't know why it's like that but I'll get it fixed. I'll also post the link to the .fla when I get the animation and pages going.

I'm not sure how to...like, advertise. I'm not buying banner ads anywhere...I guess I'll send out some print media around my city and hopefully get some business from my dad's and little league's sites.


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Fixed text issues...jp.com was a picture that was moved out slightly, and I don't know what's up with the text. Site price ok? :-p


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Ehhhh, that's quite high for someone starting out. If you want to actually get work... you better lower the price, a LOT. Freelance webdesign isn't a great way to make money UNTIL you have a strong portfolio. There is nothing too stand-out in that web design to merit an $800 price tag... not even a $100 price tag.


^I made the gfx and completely marked up that site in under 3 hours. I did it for fun, no flash involved, and for a site that intricately designed I wouldn't be able to fetch too much, because I don't have a portfolio.

Keep at it though and hone your craft... As long as you put out a solid product and keep the prices moderate you WILL get work. You make a nice, clean, professional design.

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its' taken me about 2 years to complete my portfolio and i still have ONE more thing to do.

bbhd -- your only twelve also which is a very good thing. Take your time and master the art and you'll make big bucks when it's time.

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well truth is, if u can implement FLASH as only a front end and have php/asp as the guts of it, the backend -- then flash is pretty useful and gives a ton of creative power.

actionscript is ur friend. markb is ur enemy.

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Ok, I'll lower it. I'm also currently working with a man that used to work for an ad agency in NYC. He does all my dad's ads. I just did his site. I set it at $800 because he said that a site like my dad's (www.jeffphilibin.com) would usually range a couple thousand dollars. I figured he knew what he was talking about.

Working on the preloader right now...will post in a while.


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personally, site's i've worked on go for a bout 3500 dollars and i get a cut since i'm a freelancer hired out by advertising agencies in NY and no disrespect bud, but that site def. doesnt cost 3500 dollars.

Websites can range from 300 dollars to hi-profile companies that pay 120,000 dollars for a website.

I'm doing a site for a limousine / multiple passenger tri-state transportation company right now.

i think your dad's friend meant a FLASH SITE/WEB SITE could go for 3500 dollars.

but seriously, you could make a 1000 bucks on a site like that, but customers usually feel like they've been ripped off and never come back especially if they become web-aware.

try not to make this into a big get rich scheme and do work that adds to your portfolio.

i would name some ad agencies i've done work for, but then 1) that might take away from the fuzzy mystique 2) Kraw might get one step closer to cutting my throat and pissing down my neck 3) might show up in google search and then "fuzzone" might really look like a wierdo to someone searching the company name.

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As Fuzz said, 100% flash sites are not a good idea... Use it as a frontend, but do not put all the data in the file itself, it leaves the customer's hands tied. If they hired you to make the site they obviously don't know how to use flash themselves. I have made a few 100% flash sites, for personal use... and it was a pain in the *** having to re-edit the file every time I wanted a couple word change.

EDIT: Honestly, knowing what I know now, I would rather use div layers and iframes in html than make a site in flash. I'm thinkin about making about 10-15 generic designs to be customized for people to buy. Then just buyin some mid-level hosting and putting em up for display. $50-$150 depending on the difficulty of making the site.

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yeah like the way the total-classics site works, is that i can log in, or any one from team classics can LOG IN and there's this thing that says ACCOUNT ACCESS where everything on the main page can be modified from a simple to use menu.

so that way, the main flash swf never has to be recompiled/published over and over again.

flash is the frontend, but php, mysql, asp, and bit of cgi is used as the backend.

ok, im done now talking about this. best of luck dan and remember, if u need anything, feel free to ask man. I owe u.

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Hmm...ok, $300.

Preloader doesn't work but I suspect because I only have one frame after. But anyway, I got the "intro"...simple but half-decent.


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Well, I've decided to abandon BaseballHeadDan Productions. I enjoyed it, but it doesn't sound good to me. Has really nothing at all to do with graphics or web design or anything. So......


You can't really see it well but if you highlight it it will show up. I'll try to get a black version in a little while.


P.S. I'll post the website template when I'm finished. I think I'll have a half decent ad campaign here in my small, western PA town. It's not all flash, BTW, I'm actually trying to use some CSS.

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I probably will, the only thing is that I want to use this site for the computer fair next year, and it has to be done by me. But I'm allowed to use tutorials so I don't see why not. Now I'm working on the graphics and stuff, and the flash links.


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