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Annual Royals Cyberface Request


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This is a call to anyone who does cyberfaces, but maybe Bodhiball especially, since he made the original Down on the Farm pack that I call into question here.

Shane Costa is now the 4th outfielder on the big league club, a fairly good prospect in their system, and I think it's time he gets himself a cyberface that does him justice.

Below is a shot of Costa's face in the Down on the Farm pack, and then a few hi-rez pics to show what he actually looks like. Shane Costa is a white guy with an almost-beard, not a tan-looking cave person. He's also bald underneath his hat. A bald beardy white guy needs a cyberface -- can you help?

Now I'm not here to bash on Bodhiball, I just want a servicable Costa face. Thank you for your time.

costa16cd.th.jpg 430573raw5ph.th.jpg

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Let's see ... the skin is far too tan, the beard/stubble is severely lacking, the nose is long and thin instead of wide, the eyes aren't right, the lips are big and dark. The cyberface has a sort of Dominican descent, or something, while the real Shane Costa is a full-blooded American dude!

We Royals fans rarely get mods to use, so when we do I like to make sure they're as accurate as possible.

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"We Royals fans rarely get mods to use, so when we do I like to make sure they're as accurate as possible."

Then learn to make them yourself. Your post is a tad harsh, for anyone to want to give you any help. You have been here since 2004, you should know that bashing someone's mod, isn't going to get you anywhere. I have had a look at the pics you have posted, and then the cyberface...it's pretty spot on, as most of the cyberfaces that he normally makes.

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Lets see, i've made David DeJesus and some other guy i cant even remember


As for the Costa face, it is 04 style meaning you cant improve on it in Oedit modeling.

I agree with DJeagles, if you dont like the way something is done, why not give it a try yourself.

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I met Costa this spring while out here in Surprise. He looks pretty dark skinned and Italian to me. I think Bodihall did a fine job... maybe the nose could be wider, but c'mon. If you want better or different try it yourself.

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Lets see, i've made David DeJesus and some other guy i cant even remember


As for the Costa face, it is 04 style meaning you cant improve on it in Oedit modeling.

I agree with DJeagles, if you dont like the way something is done, why not give it a try yourself.

By the way, your DeJesus face was amazing. And I'm using a few other faces you did, as well. I think you also did Joe McEwing?

Anyways, I suggested Bodhiball re-try the Billy Butler face awhile back because his first attempt wasn't so hot, he re-did it, and now it looks amazing.

Apparantly you're only allowed one critique before you are labled a mod-basher and a lazy "can't do it himself" requester.

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Sounds to me that if you want it done Your way you are just going to have to do it yourself. Give it a shot. It's far better & more rewarding than relying on someone else to do it. You should be happy that he has a face made for him at all.

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Yes, yes, yes, it's quite easy for everyone to just sit here and say "go do it yourself." If it were actually that easy I would have already done it.

The last time I tried my hand at cyberfaces was with the Billy Butler face. I just could not do it, and finally bodhiball was nice enough to heed my request and tweek his cyberface.

I make very nice jerseys, shoes, and catcher's gear. But for the life of me I just can't do cyberfaces well.

I thought the Costa cyberface was off, everyone else 100% disagreed, so that renders any request I had a "modder bash." I'll just keep my mouth shut about this from now on and play without the face in my game.

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This is the best I could come up with last night. Not as good as the pro face modders, as you can see, but I might be happy with it farther down the road.


So should I give this up and just stick to requests, or can Bodhiball re-do the face better himself?

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The only problem is the mouth.

Yeah, that's why I was kinda hopin' a pro face modder would tweak the original cyberface. This is the quality of work I get when I do it myself ...

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I've never made a face before, so I don;t know if this works, but if you copy and paste the bottom part of faces that have the eyes and mouth on them into the Costa face, will his teeth show and erase the problem with the current mouth?

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there was also a pack made called "Royals Snubs" that included some faces

I'm aware of that pack, and I even wrote a lengthy review in the downloads section.

I realize there are very few Royals mods on here, and I'm not complaining about that, I just wanna see that the few Royals mods we do have are as accurate as possible.

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Spungo, if you oedit that face it should look really nice. Read the oedit tutorial in Jogar's cf tutorial & you should have yourself a nice cf there. I wanted Phillies faces and nobody was making them, so I did them myself & am so happy that I gave it a shot. Master it & you can make any Royal's cfs you want!

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hey spungo...

I appreciate your desire to have your teams faces represented as close to perfection as possible, and even appreciate the feedback....it always helps to make better faces and no one knows a players face better than a fan of that team.

I think the backlash you got was more in the way you presented your critique. without going into symantics, you seemed more "annoyed" and "offended" by the lack of Royals players and the low quality of the few that I made.

Its good to see that it has pushed you into modding yourself, and looks like you are well on your way to making some great faces! I look forward to them.

Just remember that the downloads here are gifts and donations from the modders that put alot of time and energy into them, and they are obviously not obligated or expected to do anything at all.

thank you again for your feedback

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Wasn't really annoyed, as I think I said a few times that I understood why no one makes Royals mods here -- we're a terrible team and there are no fans here -- completely understandable.

Now I couldn't care less about that, it's just that we rarely recieve mods around here, and when we do, it's by people who don't follow the team and aren't really 100% informed about what they're modding.

That's not a knock on anyone, it's just the truth. If I were to make a Cubs mod, I wouldn't know half the details a true Cubs fan would.

I just want to make sure that when we Royals fans do get a mod, it's as accurate as possible. And I would hope the modder carries that same attitude, as well.

I've thanked and complimented Bodhiball many many times before on his excellent minor league face packs, a few of which included some decent Royals faces. I just felt that this time he missed some few important details with the Costa face. Same thing happened with his Billy Butler face. I offered a suggestion, he changed it, everyone was happy and no Spungo bashing came from it.

So that's it -- not trying to start any trouble or anything, just looking out for the best interest of Royals mods on this fantastic site of ours.

Go America and go Royals.

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