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Ebbets Field 3.0 - W.I.P.


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With a big assist from Hyman, we now have made some good progress on Ebbets Field version 3.0. This will be the last version of Ebbets and possibly my last modded stadium. We've reworked right field completely including a fully working scoreboard, much more Ebbets like bleacher configuration, new signs, some new buildings and background and other fun stuff. Here's a right field pic as of now:


We're kind of sitting back right now and thinking where to go next. I know some of you guys will have some suggestions. :wink: An accurate left field bleacher re-work would be nice but a heck of a lot of work (and something *I* couldn't do - I'd have to leave that to the real expert).

BTW - I'm still working on the mesh for the foul pole I decided to put in. What a PITA!

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When I was messing around with Ebbets way back when, I think I found that the right field wall wasn't at the accurate height. According to photos, the right field wall nestled right up to the bottom of the upper deck, which would mean it needs to be raised a little bit. Something to consider.

I would love to see if hyman could figure out coll.dat to get the right field wall to bounce properly, because actually building the walls out would be fantastic.

The left field corner is fixable, but truly a pain in the ***. Now that the right field corner upper deck is fixed up, it will lose one of the last vestiges of Forbes-ness.

Honestly, the last version of Ebbets was so solid, that there really aren't too many suggestions I can make.

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Just an update...

Hyman is completely redoing the left field bleachers so as to match the real Ebbets as closely as possible. He's made some awesome progress already. I've made some more graphic additions and oedit tweaks also.

If you liked Ebbets this is going to be a major upgrade. It should really, really look and feel like the real thing when we're done - no more "Shibeness" to it at all. I have a couple more ideas yet. I want to go out with a bang...

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