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cant see V4 bats in the game


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I have the v 3.1 already installed but I cant get v4 bats to overide them. I had the same prob with the gloves. They appear to load correctly but dont show in the game. Can anyone help?

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Did you use the batch install method or the easy install method?

With the easy install all you have to do is copy and paste the new initstaz.big file into the /data folder. The only way it wouldn't work is if you put the initstaz.big into the wrong folder, or didn't allow it to overwrite the old one....

If you are using the batch install, it's best if you can copy and paste the output from the batch file into a message for me to read here...that way I can see where it is crashing and maybe suggest something to fix it. To do that let it run through to the last "Press any Key to Continue", then maximize the dos window. Right click on the header bar and select Edit -> Select All, then Right click again on the header bar and select Edit -> Copy. Paste the results into a reply here at this board and I'll look through it.

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I tried it both ways. I had the same prob with the gloves so I know I am not doing something right. :banghead: Someone sent me the whole thing before so I could get the golves and v3.1 in the game. I will try the batch and try to get you the results.

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cant make it to cut and paste but this is what I get after running the batch.

packfile 'datainstalz.big 'updated successfully

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>rd/ S / Q models

invalid switch -/S

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>rd/ S / Q misc

invalid switch -/S

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004> del instay.big

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004> pause

press any key to continue...

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>

C: program files easportsmvp baseball2004>

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creating header

writing data

packfile 'datainitstaz.big' updated successfully

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>rd /S /Q models

Invalid switch - /S

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>rd /S /Q misc

Invalid switch - /S

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>del initstay.big

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>pause

Press any key to continue . . .

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>

C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2004>

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Hmmm, kind of hard to follow there but it says that it updated successfully...the one that failed was just deleting a temp folder that the batch file creates so that shouldn't cause it to not work...

It was me that sent you the initstaz.big last time, I'll do it again if you want. Version 4 bats (and ball), Bartw's gloves...anything else?

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I was trying to replace some bats. I like the pine tar and the tape from version 4 and two toned x bat from v3.1. I am sorry I didnt realize it was you that was some much help from before. Thanks. I dont get why it wont show in the game either. Everything looks like it is added but doesnt show up. Strange :banghead:

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This might sound like a stupid question but: You wouldn't happen to be doing this while the game is running would you?

I assume that since this has spanned a couple of days now that it's not the case, but I had to ask...If you load the game, minimize it and change bats, then maximize the game, it will retain the old images...you have to shut down completely and re-start the game....

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In case anyone has any ideas on this and might be able to help....

I've actually got an initstaz.big with 50 bats in it, but I still can't find a 'user friendly' way to use it...the game only sees the first 8 of them. What I have been doing so far is using a small batch file that renames the bats each time it runs, thereby mixing them up so I get to see different bats in each game...problem is, as I mentioned, it's not exactly user friendly, and I can imagine a whole slew of 'problems' for me to solve if I released it. I'm looking into writing some kind of GUI as a bat selector that would show a small sample image and you could pick and choose 8 that you wanted to use out of the 50, and the program would then rename those 8 such that the game could use them. I have absolutely no experience with that kind of thing so it's a bit of a 'pipe dream' at this point, but I am looking into it.

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no I wasnt aware you could shrink the game down so I have been stoping it and restarting each time I attemt to change the bats. Dont get me wrong I really like v3.1. I just am mad I cant change it when I want. I really would like to add the pine tar, tape bats and keep the x bats from v3.1

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