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I hope someone can help me. I downloaded this file and I tried to use it. I double click on the ord2o.exe and the program just flashes and closes. I believe that this is a Windows XP thing so I hope that I can fix this. How do I get the window to stay open. BTW I tried the compatibility with windows 95 & 98, Didn't do anything.

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You need to open the Command Prompt (I think it might be in the Accessories folder, but if not, go to the Start Menu > Run > and type "cmd"), move to the folder that has it, and run it that way. There is additional syntax you need to type in, but it will tell you once you run the program.

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Create a text document using notepad and paste the following into the text field:


ord2o mstadium.ord mstadium.orl mstadium.o


Save the file as ord2o.bat by clicking Save As then in the window that pops up name it ord2o.bat and select save as type: All Files.

Lastly, create another text document using notepad and paste the following into the text field:


o2ord mstadium.o removable.ord removable.orl


Save the file as o2ord.bat by clicking Save As then in the window that pops up name it o2ordbat and select save as type: All Files.

To create the .o file run ord2o... to convert the o back to an orl and ord run o2ord.

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