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Ebbets Field Version 3.0 Finale - It's the real thing


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Thanks to a ridiculously superb effort by Hyman (matching the work done by SeanO in Classic Yankee Stadium) Ebbets Field version 3 is in the final stages of testing before a release in about 1 week. The left field bleachers are now a perfect replica of old Ebbets. There's a lot of changes from what we did last year - new sky and field textures, new buildings, added details such as a completely working right field scoreboard and much more (I've even fixed it now that homeruns now bounce and roll on Bedford Ave. viewed from the right field replay camera). This is about as close as it gets. I have some tweaks I want to do before the official release but we're pretty much there.

More than anything else I want to thank Hyman (and SeanO on Yankee) for making this all possible for me. This is very likely my last mod as it's getting to be time for me to move on to other things - I also want to now just sit back and enjoy what is for me a dream come true.

Here's a current pic of Ebbets:


Also, to all you younger folks out there I'd really recommend downloading this ballpark (it will only rewrite your AAA Stadium 1). It really was the symbol of an era now long gone in baseball history.

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Here's a shot of just left and center field - I've added in the steel girders that were underneath the roof. It's looking rather brooding and somewhat gothic yet also colorful. Just a few more tweaks...


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Where are you moving on to ?

One of the main reasons I took up stadium modding (besides my interest in baseball history) was to help my graphics skills at work. It was kind of like killing two birds with one stone - I was doing web design. I was transferred to a different department at work where I am able to use my educational background (math and statistics) more. Also, there were some people who were starting to expect things of me in regards to modding. I didn't want to have to meet expectations with my hobby - I've got enough of that in my job.

I'm going to concentrate more now on working with rosters and player ratings. I love math stuff. I'm shooting for two birds again ;-) I uploaded a program recently to calculate approximate player speed ratings. It's a lot less work than stadium modding (I still can't fathom some of the things my friends SeanO and Hyman have done). Also, I want to sit back and have more fun with the game itself.

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Not yet released. It's in the final stages. Hyman has made the right field corner a clone of Ebbets. I've got a couple of graphic updates I want to do and were taking a look at collision.dat to see if we can get homeruns to bounce off the top of the roof in left. It's very, VERY close.

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Paul... btw... I love your mod. As usual you have made this game alot more fun to play. Kudos to you.

I could be mistaken though I think though that ChadRogers was asking if you released this... You stated... I love math stuff. I'm shooting for two birds again I uploaded a program recently to calculate approximate player speed ratings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all i want to give you guys mad props on your project, it looks awesome.

But unfortunately it crashes my game :cry:

I've extracted the files into the proper folders and set the lighting like it is said in the readme. Any suggestions what could cause the crash? Maybe because the .big file is too huge for my system?

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I just played a game with this new version of Ebbets. I love it. But here is one thing I noticed that could be a minor bug in it. When a runner is on first base and the pitcher throws over to try and pick him off, I don't see the firstbaseman. This is only in that little screen that shows the runner leading off first. When I throw over, you can see the guy diving back to first, but the firstbaseman is not shown on the bag. But he is in fact there. Maybe someone can verify this.

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The mod is also crashing my game. I have never had a stadium mod crash the game, so I'm hoping that someone has an idea on how to get it to work. The new Busch stadium works fine and it is bigger than the Ebbet's mod. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Crashes my game too. Scenario...played 1/2 inning. Crashed when 2B threw ball to first on backside of a dp. Not a cyberface issue...played same 2 teams with same lineups in another stadium and all was fine.


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No crashes here, thanks Paul. Like always your work is epic. I now have the original three......classic Yankee, Polo, and Ebbetts.

It can't get any better. Thank you.


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KAMBOOM! So much for all the work we put into this thing. I'm sure it's a video crash.

If the game crashes for you please post the following info:

Video Card and Memory

Resolution you are running the game at

When it crashed - specifically where was the camera looking

What datafile mod are you using

I think it might be the right field screen that's bringing it down. We will try to get this fixed. I run everything on an almost 4 year old system but have 256MB Video RAM, 1 GIG RAM, blah, blah. Not sure what Hyman is using.

Stuart, help!! :? :? :?

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