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pitching meter


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I've installed MVP 06: MLB for the PC and it's great except one thing. When pitching, every pitcher has no stamina, so the meter is at its minimum and trying to throw accurate is impossible. I can be pitching w/ Clemens in the first inning and his stamina will show 100%, but the same thing and this is on rookie level! Can somebody help me w/ this problem?


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Did you read through the MVP 06 threads, this has been talked about like ten thousand times. I am sure you can find lots of helpful info in those threads.

You need to A. adjust your sliders or B. download a different datafile.

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I've installed MVP 06: MLB for the PC and it's great except one thing. When pitching, every pitcher has no stamina, so the meter is at its minimum and trying to throw accurate is impossible. I can be pitching w/ Clemens in the first inning and his stamina will show 100%, but the same thing and this is on rookie level! Can somebody help me w/ this problem?


The size of the brown and green, although effected by pitcher stamina, is not a direct indication of it. The datafile in the 06 mod reduces the size of the green and brown in the meter to increase the likelyhood of walks by the User and so you are not constantly painting the corners.

As mrmariner said, you can increase the size of the green and brown areas by increasing your User pitch meter slider to a more positive (or less negative) number.


The reason why the green goes away and the brown becomes smaller over the course of the game is because as a pitcher tires their accuracy decreases, which is what the green and brown areas represent. This is also affected by whether the pitcher is on a hot or cold streak. If on a hot streak, the green will stick around longer than normal, and vice versa when on a cold streak. Also it will rapidly deacrease in an inning when the CPU is rallying for a bunch of runs, regardless of the number of pitches thrown.

However, even at 100% stamina the green may not be present in the first place for certain pitches. This is dependant on the pitcher's abilities to throw that pitch. For example, Randy Johnson's fastball and slider maintain their green areas longer into the game than does his splitter.

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