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Anyone want to take a stab at the new Ranger road alternates


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Sure you can... it was done for the Twins.

Technically, they weren't "Sleeveless", as they just had blue sleeves. It would be the same thing here.

I'd do it, if I like, knew how to and stuff.


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Sure you can... it was done for the Twins.

Technically, they weren't "Sleeveless", as they just had blue sleeves. It would be the same thing here.

I'd do it, if I like, knew how to and stuff.


Really, wow, I hadn't thought of that! :roll:

I do know how to and stuff, I was pointing it out to the requestor incase he didn't!

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OMFG i was thinking the EXACT same thing! i saw the picture, scrolled down to get to the post message box to say that he looked exactly like that famous pic of the yeti, and i saw your post. good job LOL

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what are you talking about?

on the home alternates, you do the stripe around the top of the sleeve on the JERS and JERK bmps, but for the new one you put the stipe on the top of the SLVL, just wondering why?

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Ah, in 1.09 I will be changing it for the home unis. I was already satisfied with the home alternates, so the newer unis get the changes. I'll make the necessary adjustments on the next update, which wont be too soon.

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sorry, but I don't understand?

If you are satisfied with the homes, why did you change the style on the road ones? And where did you get the idea to do it that way?

pffft...jim, please tell me you're not gearing up for another of your absurd "i did it first" attacks on kc?

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sorry, but I don't understand?

If you are satisfied with the homes, why did you change the style on the road ones? And where did you get the idea to do it that way?

When I re-did the uniforms for 1.07, I was satisfied with that version of the home alternates. When I added the '06 road alts for 1.08, I tried out a new method. I don't see what's the problem, I already said I was going to re-do the home alternates for 1.09, seeing as they are one of the few that don't have the new method incorporated into newer sleeveless uniforms.

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When did I say there was a problem, I merely asked howwhy you used the new method, that's all?

And Senator, yes it would be nice if kc admit he had seen the idea and decided to use it as he liked it :wink:

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When did I say there was a problem, I merely asked howwhy you used the new method, that's all?

And Senator, yes it would be nice if kc admit he had seen the idea and decided to use it as he liked it :wink:

haha, guess i called it :)

"...the idea..." !!? lol, you are a ridiculous, toxic person..

i hesitate to argue with you because i suspect you are either twelve years old or certifiably nuts, but , biker_jim, i suggest you back off with your slanderous prattle. Hmmm, and maybe just back off in general and stop jumping down the throat of every new guy who comes on with a request or question that is not to your liking - I almost hope you are trying to pad your post count rather than just being an obnoxious twat. Cheers. ;)

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Yes you are far too intellegent for me, however you have allowed me to bump my post count by replying, mwahahah!!! Good to see twat doesn't get filtered either!

I really couldn't care less what you think, I was just wondering if kc would ever admit to using ideas from others? Though in this case it is unlikely he saw mine, though I think some of my WBC unis had the sleeves like that? I copy others ideas, stitchingshading on cap logos for eg it and don't claim to invent new techniques!

Anyway you'd better keep him sweet as he's the only regular kit maker around at the minute!

And I only jump on people who don't follow the forum rules that they agreed to on joining, in my atteempt to keep pointless drivel off the forums so people can actually find the ansdwers they need! :p

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Yes you are far too intellegent for me, however you have allowed me to bump my post count by replying, mwahahah!!! Good to see twat doesn't get filtered either!

I really couldn't care less what you think, I was just wondering if kc would ever admit to using ideas from others? Though in this case it is unlikely he saw mine, though I think some of my WBC unis had the sleeves like that? I copy others ideas, stitchingshading on cap logos for eg it and don't claim to invent new techniques!

Anyway you'd better keep him sweet as he's the only regular kit maker around at the minute!

And I only jump on people who don't follow the forum rules that they agreed to on joining, in my atteempt to keep pointless drivel off the forums so people can actually find the ansdwers they need! :p

Pointless drivel? Look no further than your first post in this thread if you want to see pointless drivel - although it might be more accurately described as obtuse and misleading blather. Good lord, jim, take some time to look at your post history: filled with dozens - possibly hundreds - of completely useless posts of the "do it yourself" and (my personal favorite lol) "look it up on google" variety. Then there are the gaps in logic like when you presume that someone who registered a year ago is also an experienced member. And the many times you have inexplicably attacked perfectly polite members making simple requests in (of all places) the request forum! I think you quite literally drove the poor guy who requested the "Baltimore" jersey insane! LOL I could go on and on - i really am laughing about it all now so maybe that is a good sign...

And the stuff with KC? Please stop - honestly it just makes you look foolish and more than a little bit jealous. Jim, you are a great modder and I am sure a good guy...Why don't you really jump into the fray here for once and upload some of your stuff? Or don't, but stop playing forum moderator (sheesh, why do you insist on doing that? - no wonder you are so grouchy!), knock the chip off your shoulder and be happy that we have this baseball sanctuary called mvpmods.


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Oh crud I was not aware that was your "method" Jim, seeing as this technique was seen on the Pirates home uniforms when I first started modding, because that's where I got it from...whoops! :roll:

If it's anything I have adopted from any other modder it would be spungo's royals equipment and capn's fonts (which I don't really add them all), and I'm pretty sure I give them kudos. Every other effect I have made has been a direct variation on the effect I give for the logos on my uniforms. Now, good day.


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Good grief Jim. I like some of your work that I've seen, but dude... it's JUST an idea. It's not like you have it copyrighted, or even could. Chill out. If someone uses your idea, they obviously like it, and that means you did a good job.

But seriously man. It's just a uniform on a game. It's not a big deal.

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So what's the deal? Are these available? I'm not too keen on installing a whole bunch of uniforms in one big pack, my Rangers uniform lineup is pretty custom, I don't want to mess it up. I'd rather just import this uni by itself.

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I believe the following is what everyone is referring to. Jim, chill out dude, it will all be ok...

(This is in the umpire uni mod request thread)

keep in mind Fred has only 122 posts, so he's fairly new...like me...

fred13 wrote : "i tried them and they look okay, I am hoping to do one myself now. I was wondering if anyone can help me, by telling me what i need to do to edit the ump's uniform. Thanks."

biker_jim_uk wrote : "you need to edit the parts that make up the uni"

fred13 wrote : "is there a program for that, or do i just extract the uniform parts out of models.big (i have eagraph) and just change the colours with photoshop? This is my first time doing this, sorry if i'm a little slow to comprehend."

biker_jim_uk wrote : "the latter"

fred13 wrote : "but how do I change the colour without removing the texture? again sorry, i'm still in the learning process. Thanks so much for the help though."

biker_jim_uk wrote : "you use the help that comes with the paint package or one of the 9.73 billion tutorials on the net"

now was this really needed???? come on jim, have a heart!

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