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every generic player looks like eric gagne


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im not sure what causes all my generic players to look like eric gagne, but i am playing with ultimate rosters and mvp 06 mod and would like to know what i can do to get the correct faces or non-goggle wearing generic faces. even the managers have those glasses and same looking face..thanks.

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did you download big shmooz's models.big file?

1. it isn't every player.

2.take the facial hair files from your default models.big file and put them in your new one you downloaded and the gagne mod goes away.

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ok thanks, however, i go to download shmooz model.big and it says its for ultimate rosters 6.2 plus, but the latest version of ultimate roster is 6.1 here...whats going on? i dont wanna download something that wont work... thanks.

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  \ said:
take the facial hair files from your default models.big file and put them in your new one you downloaded and the gagne mod goes away.

Files are look like this;







etc etc etc

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take models.big file out from the CD,

open with biggui and export all files that begin with numbers 0-7 or 0-8 like i listed above.

Put them in a folder on your desktop.

Compress them with EAZIP. (search forums or downloads section for this)

Import them into the models.big file you are using that has problems with EAGE not BIGGUI (NEVER EVER BIGGUI).

Once imported close EAGE, right click on the fixed models.big file, click properties, and change the file to readme by check marking the box. now you're good to go.

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  \ said:
I had this problem a long time ago, and the solution was finding the generic face that had the goggles on it and replacing it with the original file from the CD.

do you know what file i need to replace from the one in the cd?

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  \ said:
depends on if he's using a new or old version of shmooz's models.big.

back then i did the cyberfaces files.

current versions are facial hair files.

well it wasnt recent, most likely few months back at least.

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if it saves you time, download that thing gave you a link to, and open the file you download and install all files that begin with the letter g. that should help you out....

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ok..sounds really confusing but i will try...btw the goggles are on the same generic face..they all look the same, w/ same goggles. even some managers, like the devil rays manager.

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ok i didnt follow your directions but i think fixed it.

i just downloaded shmooz's lite models.big file and replaced mine with it.

then i loaded up the game and so far i have not seen 1 eric gagne wanna-bees. not even the devil rays manager, who actually should be optically challenged.

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Because you did not do what I suggested you will see some, just not as many. Shmooz may have the facial hair files AND cyberfaces installed so that will not solve your problems. If you need further help you have this thread to assist you.

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I apologize... but I am sitting here reading this thread & I can't stop laughing. (not making fun of anybody, I just find the whole situation amusing, kinda like a comedy show)

Btw... as Uncle Mo pointed out... as of the newest models.big there are alot less goggles on the generic cyberfaces now.

For anybody who just wants the default cyberfaces, I will upload them already compressed in a zip file & they can simply extract & insert them into the models.big with eagraph. (make sure to uncheck the models.big from "read only" before doing this & to put it back to "read only" after doing this. Otherwise over time your models.big file will become corrupted.)

Look for it soon.

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