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I recieved an upload stating it was the missing file. I don't want to post it because I'm not sure who sent it but I can give you a direct link and you can try it at your own risk.


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Thanks trues, I tried the link and it get me into the program, but although I can add overlays to the program, it gives me a run time error when I try to apply it to the game and it crashes.

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never mind, I went back into it again and it worked. I tested it again and it appears that when you add a new overlay, you have to exit the program and go back into it to be able to apply it to MVP. It's a little annoying, but I can live with it for now. :)

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I'm having the same problem and it seems the link above no longer works. Seems the file has been removed. Can someone post the unrarocx.zip file so the swapper will work for me?


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i dled da dll before i got the new version, and i wanted to see the prob everyone gets, so i didnt install the dll and everything worked fine for me?, maybe i have a copy of the dll in my system directory or something?, what windows u all got, i got xp.

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theres a couple of features i noticed the instant i ran, like the pip removal, thats something i really need, and now the overlays dont have to have screenshots.

but if u like the older version thats fine, this is just my opinion.

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lol, try it again and press printscreen and post a pic of it, i *might* be able to help ya, its a nut house, i had absolutly no probs at all with mine.

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