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Swing Frequency


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I am capable of pitching a shutout through nine innings around 40-50 pitches. I want it to be more realistic (in terms of pitch count) so i changed the CPU swing frequency to -50. But it hasn't changed anything. Is there a way this could be fixed?

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Dang! 8O

I doubt I'm as good as you, but I usually get a good amount of realistic results with these sliders - but I use them on All-Star setting :oops: :

User Pitch Meter Difficult: (25)

CPU Pitcher Ball Rate: 13

User Pitcher Fatigue: (30)

CPU Pitcher Fatigue: 30

User Pitcher Control: (45)

Bullpen Fatigue Rate: (5)

User Batting Contact: 20

CPU Batting Contact: (25)

User Batting Power: 30

CPU Batting Power: (20)

CPU Bunting Ability: 15

User Foul Ball Frequency: 45

CPU Foul Ball Frequency: 40

CPU Swing Frequency: (10)

User OF Speed: 8

User INF Speed: 6

CPU INF Speed: 4

CPU Runner Aggression: 10

User Runner Steal Delay: (2)

CPU Runner Steal Delay: (2)

CPU Steal Rate: 20

Notes: Numbers in ( ) indicate a negative value; any category not included was left at 0.

I don't know if that helps at all, but it has worked for me over the course of several exhibition games.

Also, are you using other pitchers aside from staff aces? By that I mean instead of a Mark Mulder, a Sidney Ponson.

Hope that helps at least a little, man.

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i have a yankee dynasty that i play through every game in the schedule, and i have played almost 20 of them with the same sliders and they swing at everything and i end up averaging 8-9 allowed hits with my starter (through six or seven innings). and thanks for the slider help, ill try them out.

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You know what else I forgot that rickyfartin23 reminded me of is that in addition to not having the strike zones, etc on, I also turn off the vibration on my controller.

It sounds weird but with no cursor/ strikezones, painting the corner has gotten a bit difficult. :?

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ive always been able to paint the corners until the new mod. if i wanted it to be that hard, i would have changed the sliders myself.

Do you mean in regards to the no-vibration or to the sliders? :?

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Well you said your starters have been giving up 8-9 hits through 6-7 innings; what's wrong with that? Sounds spot on to me.

its not the spot. i put it where i want, usually an 0-2 pitch out of the strike zone. then they like pull it to the opposite field. and to polish joe, i meant the new pitching meter from he mvp06 mod.

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I'll tell you what helped me with FINALLY getting some K's, and getting my walks and pitch counts up. I LOWERED the control on all my pitchers for thier non-4 seam fastball. For example, I had Mark Prior, pretty good control on most pitches, and he just COULD NOT strike out more than 2 or 3 guys per game. Walked noone. I noticed, that with some of my mediocre pitchers, I wouldn't try to paint any corners, or even aim, just groove it down the middle, and my walks, K's and pitch counts WENT UP. The oppositon started missing some pitches, and took a lot of them. So, I cranked down the control like I stated, and man, it's made a HUGE difference for me.

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that actually does make sense. when i make a mistake over the plate they usually dont swing. but if i throw them an 0-2 fastball outside they hit it.

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no. i mean that they are more likely to hit a pitch out of the zone. thats what bothers me.

True! That seems to be the M.O. of video game's hardest levels - they defy logic. :roll: For me, that's why I like All-Star - realistic without being stunned by AI batters hitting ball 4 into the stands. :wink:

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