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Problem with Joe Girardi cyberface


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Hey guys, alright Im playing a dynasty and my current game is against the Marlins. Every time that the Marlins Manager, Joe Girardi, would be rendered the game crashes. I tried switching around a couple of cyberfaces to no avail, I then tried giving Girardi a generic face. This worked, so I know my problem must be with the Girardi cyberface. I could leave Girardi on the generic face, but if at all possible I'd like to resolve the issue. Has anybody else had this problem, or have any advice. Im currently running UR 6.2 Plus, and KC's unis.


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This may be a stupid question... but when you installed the models.big, did you make sure it was a version that was compatible with UR rosters 6.2?

If you installed the Girardi cyberface yourself, ignore the above question.

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No Im sure its the right models.big, but seeing as how I have like 10 posts I understand why you might think that :D Thanks Anyways Schmooz, and thanks for your work on this file up until now I've never had a problem. (More than I can say for EA's support)

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Ok... I tried reinstalling it. I also tried compressing it. (but it was already compressed) It seems that it's a corrupt file. I think That you should go to a generic face for Girardi. In the future models.big I release I plan G-D willing to delete this file. I also plan G-D willing to PM Jogar84. (who made the face)

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I am hoping it can be redone. I PM'd Jogar about it. Anyway, in the meantime I did install another Girardi face but its not as nice, but the new models.big that comes out should have this problem fixed. Sorry about that, guys.

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