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Version 2.1 (patch) Bat Selector Uploaded.


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On a brighter note:

I've uploaded a patch, V2.1.

You are now able to select ANY bat for ANY slot, no more restrictions.

You must have the original version installed as the patch consists of only a new batch file, and a new readme.txt.

Back up the old Bat Selector.bat file, in case you ever want to go back to it, and then unzip the new one in it's place.

I feel so free :lol:

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Ok, I did what you said and replaced the lines. The selector loads now. However, now I can't get past slot 2. When it asks me for slot 2, I put in the number, and instead of moving on to 3 it stays at 2.

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Ok, I did what you said and replaced the lines. The selector loads now. However, now I can't get past slot 2. When it asks me for slot 2, I put in the number, and instead of moving on to 3 it stays at 2.

Sorry but I can't figure it out...it seems to be working for many other people, so I can't understand why it doesn't work for you....and as for why it gets stuck at 2...again, no idea....is it possible that something got corrupted in your download? Maybe send me the batch file so I can look at it, or try downloading it again....I'm really at a loss on this one :banghead:

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i did notice a slight problem spitoon, it seems the patch version installs the bats in reverse order i.e. bat 1 goes in slot 8 and so on, no biggie just had to use it in reverse. but wondered if anyone else noticed this.

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i did notice a slight problem spitoon, it seems the patch version installs the bats in reverse order i.e. bat 1 goes in slot 8 and so on, no biggie just had to use it in reverse. but wondered if anyone else noticed this.

Ooops...I never really paid attention to that, I sort of figured that if you are messing around with bats outside of the confines of RGlass's editor then it doesn't really matter much which bat is in which slot. You're right though, "Slot 1" is supposed to coorespond to "Bat 1" in the game.

Anyways, I'm probably going to be releasing V2.2 shortly so I'll look into it...there are a couple of things I've noticed that I can "clean up" in the batch file. For example, when you are on Page 2 of the listing for any "slot", when you push 0 (zero) it is supposed to go back to the first page for the same slot, but goes back to the very start...the first page for Slot 1. Plus a couple of other minor things.

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yeah like i said it's no biggie, i just try to correspond the slots with the players default bat styles. one other minor prob i found was when selecting the slot 4 (i think) bat (brown and natural) there seems maybe a mix up on which bat it installs. again no biggie just took a little time.

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yeah like i said it's no biggie, i just try to correspond the slots with the players default bat styles. one other minor prob i found was when selecting the slot 4 (i think) bat (brown and natural) there seems maybe a mix up on which bat it installs. again no biggie just took a little time.

It's possible, if you look at the batch file, it was getting difficult to keep everything organized because it's so large :shock: I was starting to lose my mind :D If you can identify which one it is, that would help, but I will look for it.

EDIT: I did find a problem with the "Black and Red Louisville Slugger" selection, and I was able to reverse the order of the bats to coorespond correctly in-game.

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Version 2.2 has been uploaded...



Fixed an error that caused bat1 to be displayed in game as bat 8, bat 2 at bat 7...etc...They now match the numbers in game.

Fixed an error that caused the selector to return to Slot 1 everytime you tried to return to page 1.

Fixed an error that made the wrong bat show up when selecting "Red and Black Louisville Slugger".

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