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Bobby Cox Has Had It!!!!!! uploaded


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Should go down as the first mod ever to not get one single download. This goes against my previous philosophy that you can upload anything and pople will download it. You can upload the words "this mod sucks" and people will download it.

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Mo -- I would've downloaded it if you'd had him picking his nose.

This week, on As The Mo Turns:

Mo sits down with Braves manager Bobby Cox.

Mo: "I'm going to make you a better cyberface for MVP05."

Cox: "Make me look high as hell, mother[naughty word]. And pass that hashpipe, you [naughty word]ing Bogart [naughty word]."

Mo: "You sure about that, Bobby?"

Cox: "Of course I'm [naughty word]ing sure. Now, let's go get drunk with Rafael Furcal and cruise North Avenue looking for hookers!"

Join us next week on As the Mo Turns.


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Mo -- I would've downloaded it if you'd had him picking his nose.

This week, on As The Mo Turns:

Mo sits down with Braves manager Bobby Cox.

Mo: "I'm going to make you a better cyberface for MVP05."

Cox: "Make me look high as hell, mother[naughty word]. And pass that hashpipe, you [naughty word]ing Bogart [naughty word]."

Mo: "You sure about that, Bobby?"

Cox: "Of course I'm [naughty word]ing sure. Now, let's go get drunk with Rafael Furcal and cruise North Avenue looking for hookers!"

Join us next week on As the Mo Turns.


Rafael Furcal? He must be high! Furcal's in LA.

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