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How to steal home?


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Has anyone ever managed this? If so what do you have to do? I was messing about and put the level to Rookie and altered all the sliders to make it rediculously easy, just to try and steal home. But I still can't do it. If its a wild pitch it doesn't get ruled a steal, but when its not a wild pitch then the catcher just dives at me and I can do nothing. Should I try a certain type of slide to get by him? Or does anyone have any other tips? This is about the only thing I have to do to get all the 'In-Game' bonuses.

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I've done it only twice before. I took a huge leadoff from first and third (2 baserunners), and they tried to pick me off at first, but I ran home. The other time it was the same situation, but they tried a pitch out to a RHB so it went away from 3rd and I was able to come home.

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  \ said:
I've done it only twice before. I took a huge leadoff from first and third (2 baserunners), and they tried to pick me off at first, but I ran home. The other time it was the same situation, but they tried a pitch out to a RHB so it went away from 3rd and I was able to come home.

That's not really considering 'stealing home'.

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I've only accomplished this feet once. It was mostly luck. I had Scott Podsednik on third and Tadahito Iguchi at first. I took a big lead with Iguchi and Podsednik. I acidentally hit the all runners advance button and it was a pitchout. Podsenik slid in and was called safe. It was a pure fluke, but i stole home.

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I've done it a few times and without a pitchout. I created a player with 99 speed, pulled the base stealing slider all the way up to +50 on rookie, but... I also managed to do it with Joe Morgan and I think some others whose speed was around 90ish. Plus I use keyboard so I can't control leadoffs.

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a couple of times the pitcher tried to pick me off at 3rd and i tried to retreat, but by some glitch my runner magically appeared like an inch away from home plate waiting for me to send him home.

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I think the best way to do it is to have runners at first and third. It might make it a little easier if there are 2 outs also. (I actually only consider doing it if there are 2 outs) Have the runner on first steal, and the runner on third stay close to third. If the catcher throws to second, you need to have the runner on third go home. It helps if the play at 2nd base is close, so the fielder has to apply a tag.

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yup ive done it that way twice... works but the situation is pretty rare that you can afford the possibility of the guy goin to 2nd getting out.. and it does gotta be close enough for a tag

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  \ said:
Hmm... I did it with just a guy on third and nothing else, and no pitchout. Lucky I guess.

Before, you said you did it with a guy on 99 speed with speed sliders at +50 and on rookie mode. I wouldn't exactly call that lucky.

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