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Missing file in 1978 Yankees team package


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After finally installing the 1978 Yankees to my satisfaction (getting uniforms in there tonight was the final step), I finally played a game with the team tonight. When Bucky Dent got up to bat, I noticed that he had no portrait. Later, I opened up the roster with MVPEdit and found that he is assigned portrait number 9310.

I looked in the portrait.big file and found that there was no 9310.fsh file in it (the other portraits -- 9311, 9312, etc. were there). I looked at the files included in the package and found that there IS a 9310.bmp file in the bmp folder, but the first file in the fsh folder is 9311.fsh.

Is there a way to convert the 9310.bmp file to a 9310.fsh file? If not, could FuzzOne or Yankees763 update the package to include the missing file?

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