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still have choppy gameplay - part 2


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i posted this problem a little while back but the topic was locked so here's another one. no, i'm not using the no-cd fix anymore, i borrowed the retail game from my cousin (who copied it for me the first time) and i'm still have the same problems after applying the patches. i've toned down graphics quality in-game, i've set my video cards settings to performance over quality, antialiasing, etc... messed with all that. didn't do anything.

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ishotlove I don't want to sound mean but U joined in 7/ 5,/2005 and U only had 3 post and all these about the same topic. They already lock your previously 2 post so I think they gave U enough hint to tell U that we are not discussing anything related to your COPY version of MVP.

If you keep this up U may get ban and we don't want that to happen because most of us here are helpful.

Your problem is either your PC or your video card sucks. Cause I can see U did most tech person will do when u turn down graphics in game and drivers etc... Plus u didn't list your PC spec we can't figure out what u have and anyting running in background that may slow down your game play.

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