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Petco Park WIP


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I am touching up my old Petco Park. The day version is done and I am turning my attention to the night. I also am working on one of my last mods, Coors Field. I just need some photos from the stadium from this year. But this is about Petco:

The changes i made were some new ads, I added the Kyocera/ Bank of America standing room area in right, raised the wall to seven feet in left and center. and I added some buildings in right and fixed the skyline as best I could.

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Awesome work. I love the batter's eye and all the tweaks and adjustments you made.

Could you possibly "turn-off" the Budweiser ad on the batter's eye though since it is only "on" between innings and not during play? Here's something I whipped up with the original picture that you can use if you'd like:


I guess you could just copy and paste the section that I re-did. It might need some touch-ups or adjustments along the edges of what I did and I can fix it up a little later if you want to use it. Let me know.

Also, if it is easily done, I'd also like to see some people in the beach area too--but again, it's no big deal.

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