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Shmooz, I have a copy of your models before you yanked them. If I use them, what problems am I likely to encounter?


Some faces will not fit the right player. For instance, since the models.big was pulled of the site, more players faces have been added. So the numbers you may see on those players will cause a cyberface different than the one that is supposed to be there to be displayed.

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Folks... all is not lost. For those of you who already have the models.big on their hard drive, I plan to update you guys by uploading G-D willing the updated cyberfaces since that time in an individual download along with instructions on how to install the files yourself to the models.big

This will let you still be able to use the UR plus rosters that Totte will be uploading.

I will probably do this G-D willing to coincide with Totte's next roster update.

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Yea and I also found out about Kraws Installer Thingy - That program ROCKS - flat out rocks. I can now just download the Faces I want and just easily put them all in using his program. It definatly rocks and anyone can do it.

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So, as of right now the models.big file is not available. So is it not possible to install the updated roster 6.5 plus?

It's possible if you install the MVP06 Beta Project first, then add the rosters and the models.big from the link that was posted above.

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It's possible if you install the MVP06 Beta Project first, then add the rosters and the models.big from the link that was posted above.

I had the MVP06 Beta Project installed with really no other mods added. Then I added the rosters manually instead of using MVPEdit. Then I installed this models.big update.

So far no problems. Even though I have played only the first two games games of a dynasty.

I am still sort of holding out for the final mod before I seriously start my dynasty.

I am sure it will be awesome once released and is surely stretching out my baseball game playing on the PC.

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So, is there going to be a models.big released again by Big Shmooz for the UR Plus rosters? Because I can't continue my franchise at this point without them. I could care less if they're not perfect, I'd be happy with a re-release of the ones before they were yanked off the site.

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