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Owner Mode


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I'm using the Pirates in my owner mode but I'm having some money issues. Does anyone know why my media and sponsership revenue is -$9,000,000 this year. I cut salaries as low as possible but I'll never make a profit if I lose the 9 mil. This is year three and if I don't make some more money I'm going to lose my team! Any ways to make money (when u dont have any) or fix the media revenue would be a big help


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I have a similiar problem except I'm in 15 million dollars in debt as the Washington Nationals in year 2. I've made some trades so hopefully the team can start winning , attract attendance , and then make a decent profit otherwise I'm doomed.

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I wonder if it's because we both have small market teams (mine more than yours) I used the Mets a while back and I never had a negative media revenue. I'll have to resort to the Artmoney thing if no one else has any tips...I'm -$13,000,000 overall now and they are going to take my team away if I can't get to less than 10 mil in debt.

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I make a lot of money during Owner's Mode and the key is to keep your star players. Another thing that would help is if you play the next 20 games or something... fans like winning streaks so if you have a 20 game winning streak or something you'll get fans. Also remember, in every last home game spend whatever profit you get before you lose it.

ANOTHER VERY HELPFUL TIP... every time you finish a day game don't simulate the rest of the day because you will get income but not expense. If its the last day (which are usually day games) just leave it and go spend the money before your expense starts to kick in.

Thats the amazing thing about MVP Baseball, you would usually make 1 mill income and spend 700k, now if its a day game and you did what i told you to do you'd have +1 million because the 700k you need to pay aren't there yet because the day isn't over

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