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Box Score Extractor


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Edit: The Boxscore Extractor is now in the downloads section.

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In a few days, I will begin working on a program that will save the in-game box score. Last night, I located where the current game's stats are kept, and the layout is identical to how the stats files are stored in memory, so it won't be a problem to extract them. It will probably only take me a day or two to get the program working.

Since the in-game box score is not saved in memory as text, I will have to reproduce the whole box score. If anyone wants to help, please post what you think the box score should look like. I'm willing to make 2 files for the box scores. One file will be text only, and the second will be html(webpage).

So if anyone has a layout for the box score that they would like for me to use, post it here.

The box score can contain any stats that the game keeps track of.

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I really like how CBSSportsline does it, which is basically identical to the game.


Well, some of that information is not kept in the game.

LOB is not kept by the game.

Double Plays aren't kept.

"Extra" Error information is not kept.

Catcher/pitcher combinations for SB/CS are not kept.

pitcher hit off of are not kept.

Holds are also not kept.

Also I was thinking that there should be some more columns to the box score. Like for hitters add home runs, doubles, triples, SB, CS. And put the season totals in parenthesis And maybe make a fielders section too that has errors, assists, put outs, and total chances.

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Good points; I didn't look at it very closely apparently. Well, since this is your project, do what you see fit. I know a lot of people are clamoring for this mod.

I want something that most people will be happy with. And I don't want to keep messing with the layout. That's why I'm asking for input on the layout before I get started.

I like the first and last names for the players. ESPN.com only has the first initial plus the Last Name.(so does the game)

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Things it must have:


-first, last names w/positions




- first, last names

-IP, BB, K, HR, ERA, H, R, ER,

- wins, holds (if possible), losses, and saves in parenthesis

I'd like the idea of having a "pitches thrown" category, along with the extra batting stuff "who hit doubles, triples, etc)

What do you think?

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Ty I know this is unrelated but where can I download your sav editor thing so I can start a new dynasty in the '06 season.. UR already has the stats for '05 in it

It's in the first post on .dat exporter and importer

I will have a new version out within a day or two. Right now you would be better off getting one of the .sav files from total-classics.com first, if you want the year-by-year career stats to be correct. Then you can upgrade to the latest version of ultimate rosters doing what I said in one of my last posts on that link I gave you.

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Things it must have:


-first, last names w/positions




- first, last names

-IP, BB, K, HR, ERA, H, R, ER,

- wins, holds (if possible), losses, and saves in parenthesis

I'd like the idea of having a "pitches thrown" category, along with the extra batting stuff "who hit doubles, triples, etc)

What do you think?

I'll have to find out if I can get pitches thrown. Would you rather have the doubles, triples, etc. like in the expanded box score, or would you rather have it below like in the normal box score?

The stats from the picture that I posted earlier that I can't do are PB = passed balls, WP = wild pitches, DP = double plays, BK = balks.

I'm not sure if I can do PCH = Pitches Thrown, or STR = Strikes Thrown

In addition to what the picture showed, I will put the players first name, and the season totals for most of the stats.

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Just a small nitpick, place the RBI column after HR and before BB. This would make it consistant with most boxscores and statistical layouts.

NM, thought this was part of your app.

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ty, if you also included the ability to export to a comma-delimited file I would die and go to heaven. If not it's no big deal, most people wouldn't make use of it, only stat-head nerds like me. :D

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Just a small nitpick, place the RBI column after HR and before BB. This would make it consistant with most boxscores and statistical layouts.

NM, thought this was part of your app.

Yeah, I didn't make it, I just found it with google. I will also use the more common stat abbreviations. 2B instead of D, 3B instead of T, IBB instead of IW, HPB instead of HP, etc.

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Is all of the fielding information stored also? The putouts and assists?

This has got me all excited. The things it could do for online leagues would be enormous.

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ty, if you also included the ability to export to a comma-delimited file I would die and go to heaven. If not it's no big deal, most people wouldn't make use of it, only stat-head nerds like me. :D

I guess I could do that for the text only file I had planned. Send me how you would like the headings for each category.

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Is all of the fielding information stored also? The putouts and assists?

This has got me all excited. The things it could do for online leagues would be enormous.

Yes, and errors.

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If you look at the old High Heat boxscores and make them into a regular .txt file, we can use the Box Score Utility created by Marcus. With his program we can keep track of anything such as hitting streaks, particular batter vs. particular pitcher etc.

I'm just thinking, why reinvent the wheel when there is something already created. If you found out how to extract the boxscores, then it's just a matter of extracting it in High Heat style boxscores. Those who remember the utility created by Marcus can atest to it.

Just my two cents.

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