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Box Score Extractor


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That would be nice, along with having it listed with the pitching information. Either like the ESPN boxscore...


Or an alternative...


I think I'll do your alternative one.

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Hey guys, do you know why the upper scoreboard (see attachments) differs in files. Its the same version of boxscoreextractor. If it is possible, ty could you please fix that wins-losses for pitchers near the top scoreboard were in one row. Thank you. Your mod makes the game breathe like all other brilliant mods though.

Sorry do't know how to attache html. copied to word for you could see what i'm talking about. Seems like sometimes its ot eough width.

Sorry for being annoying.

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Hey guys, do you know why the upper scoreboard (see attachments) differs in files. Its the same version of boxscoreextractor. If it is possible, ty could you please fix that wins-losses for pitchers near the top scoreboard were in one row. Thank you. Your mod makes the game breathe like all other brilliant mods though.

Your attachments didn't come through.

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Grrr. Damn Griffey. Damn Isringhausen. Damn Kraw. :x


I think he did that intentionally. :D

I think I'll do your alternative one.

That's fine with me. I don't know how others would like it to be labeled, but I guess it really doesn't matter.

HR Allowed: Smart Guy 1; Dumb Guy 1;

or just...

HR: Smart Guy 1; Dumb Guy 1;

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That would be nice, along with having it listed with the pitching information. Either like the ESPN boxscore...


Or an alternative...


I would like the ESPN boxscore, it looks so much better!

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i agree with Emil... it makes the look and the stats flow together smoothly, instead of having the one random home run stat at the bottom :p b/c if you wanted to you could just have a BF (Batters Faced) column as well...

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i agree with Emil... it makes the look and the stats flow together smoothly, instead of having the one random home run stat at the bottom :p b/c if you wanted to you could just have a BF (Batters Faced) column as well...

Ty, I won't complain about either one. But for whatever it's worth, I agree with DaDonch.

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i agree with Emil... it makes the look and the stats flow together smoothly, instead of having the one random home run stat at the bottom :p b/c if you wanted to you could just have a BF (Batters Faced) column as well...

HBP and IBB also show up down there.

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Hey guys, do you know why the upper scoreboard (see attachments) differs in files. Its the same version of boxscoreextractor. If it is possible, ty could you please fix that wins-losses for pitchers near the top scoreboard were in one row. Thank you. Your mod makes the game breathe like all other brilliant mods though.

Sorry do't know how to attache html. copied to word for you could see what i'm talking about. Seems like sometimes its ot eough width.

Sorry for being annoying.

You can just put the html file in a zip file to attach it.

I don't see what's wrong. The pitcher's records are all on one row.

If you're using a version before the June 4th version, then it could go to the second row. But I believe it is fixed in both the June 4th and June 6th builds.

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HBP and IBB also show up down there.

hmm... i forgot about those... (inserts foot in mouth)

wow this one is tricky... i was thinking about how it would look putting the IBB and the HBP in there too...

but they would probably be better down where they are... b/c they arent stats that happens all the time, HR on the other hand are a common occurrance. so maybe put HR up with the rest of the stats and leave the other 2 down at the bottom...

either way it will look good... :D

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I really have nothing against the HR thing going in the bottom. It's not a particularly high usage stat. Over the course of a full season you'll give up roughly 1 per game, so the majority of the time that column would have 0's in it.

Another reason to put it down below, is that the season total allowed can be included behind it.


*note, I didn't mean to have that "1" behind Radke for HR's*

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Very funny snepp lol, I meant like how did he get the boxscore like that. I only could put it online, that is the only way I can view it like that.

I believe what he did was take a screenshot, and then remove all of the stuff that he didn"t want with an image editor.

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I really have nothing against the HR thing going in the bottom. It's not a particularly high usage stat. Over the course of a full season you'll give up roughly 1 per game, so the majority of the time that column would have 0's in it.

Another reason to put it down below, is that the season total allowed can be included behind it.

The main problem with putting in a new column is that there really isn"t much room for it.

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Are double plays tracked? They would make a nice addition.

The current build is working beautifully thusfar, plan on doing a couple of pinch runner tests.

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Are double plays tracked? They would make a nice addition.

The current build is working beautifully thusfar, plan on doing a couple of pinch runner tests.

The only double play information that is kept is in the at-bat history when a player hits into a double play.

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The only double play information that is kept is in the at-bat history when a player hits into a double play.

Was worth a shot, thanks.

Pinch runner tracking looks good for both layouts, SB, CS, and R.

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Ty, not sure if you can help here, but I'm hopeful. :(

I played a game earlier which was exceptionally long - I finished it in the bottom of the 14th with a walk-off single. All fine and good, but when I ran the May 31st version of the Box Score Extractor (haven't gotten around to sorting out my recent files yet, hence, not using the latest version), I came across problems. The program found the memory location without any problem, but when I hit H for the home export, it worked for a second or two, then I got the XP error message with the crash analysis. I checked the directory to see what it had output already, and it had created the new file, but it was cut-off in the 13th and was really weird. (Michael Coleman, who hits second, was apparently leading off the first inning - didn't happen, and there are quite a few innings where there are errors in outs) I ran the program again, and it crashed again. The output was exactly the same.

The game log which I've worked on and corrected as best I can is here. I've only attampted to fix the actual log, not touched the stats. The exact file that the program exported is here. I can also upload the test.dat file, or any others, if it would help.

I had a feeling that there would be a problem with the at-bat logs resetting after the 5th at-bat...looks like it definitely found some problems. Also, when I tried to go back into the game, it crashed again. It only started crashing with the most recent May 31st version after the exporter was run, but this one must have cost me a few thousand MVP points in stolen bases. No biggie, they're useless anyway. Just a pain. :)

Any ideas on how to recover the happenings of the game, if possible?

Thanks again!

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The game log works better with the later versions of the program. The pitch count also works better.

There is a limit of 100 entries in the at-bat history. Which is how many there were in your original file(I counted them). I didn't know what the game did when you get past 100. The first 2 innings in your game log are actually the last two innings.

I don't think that this will make the more recent versions crash, but it would for some of the older versions.

As for the game crashing, it might have been caused by the boxscore extractor not releasing it's access to the memory after it crashed.

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