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Box Score Extractor


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Can you explain what this means please?

if you plan on displaying the boxscores on a website (i.e. geocities, tripod, etc.), you need to upload the file (to your website) corresponding to the layout of boxscore you are going to use. as is mentioned though, you can just upload them all without any problems - so you don't have to decide between a boxscore.

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if you plan on displaying the boxscores on a website (i.e. geocities, tripod, etc.), you need to upload the file (to your website) corresponding to the layout of boxscore you are going to use. as is mentioned though, you can just upload them all without any problems - so you don't have to decide between a boxscore.

im lost so i have to make a website to show people my boxscores? im an idiot
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im lost so i have to make a website to show people my boxscores? im an idiot

i guess you could take a screenshot of your screen when you have the boxscore open in a window. i don't know what's easier or better to do. i just use the webiste method because that's how wiggins taught me to do it :D

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i guess you could take a screenshot of your screen when you have the boxscore open in a window. i don't know what's easier or better to do. i just use the webiste method because that's how wiggins taught me to do it :D

well when i get the boxscore it gives me a folder with the team name in the folder it has "Temp" "Boxscore in a notpad" and the HTM link that opens up firefox with the boxscore but thats all i get so what exactly do i do with those items i have in the folder
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Another extra-inning game, more problems. Would it do any good to send you the HTML files (I made 2, one while the game was in progress and one around 10 minutes before it ended) and see what you can make out of it? I also have a pile of screenshots (65, to be exact) that could help to piece the game back together.

Thanks again for a great program. :D

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Another extra-inning game, more problems. Would it do any good to send you the HTML files (I made 2, one while the game was in progress and one around 10 minutes before it ended) and see what you can make out of it? I also have a pile of screenshots (65, to be exact) that could help to piece the game back together.

Thanks again for a great program. :D

It didn't crash though, did it? I'm still working on the .dat importer and exporter. I'll get back to the boxscore extractor eventually, and make the game log (and pitch count) work better for long games.

By the way, what is in the screenshots?

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When I exported while the game was in progress, it didn't crash. After the game, when I ran it then, it did crash, but made the file.

The screenshots are of various things - key plays, pitching changes, substitutions, things of note that I could use to spot a part in the game. For example, I have a screenshot of my manager being ejected - which was after my shortstop was thrown out at second base (and the call was wrong, IMO). They're in order by file name as well, so snap002 would be the second screenshot of the game which was in the first inning, while 065 would be the last - a screenshot of the pitching lines.

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When I exported while the game was in progress, it didn't crash. After the game, when I ran it then, it did crash, but made the file.

The screenshots are of various things - key plays, pitching changes, substitutions, things of note that I could use to spot a part in the game. For example, I have a screenshot of my manager being ejected - which was after my shortstop was thrown out at second base (and the call was wrong, IMO). They're in order by file name as well, so snap002 would be the second screenshot of the game which was in the first inning, while 065 would be the last - a screenshot of the pitching lines.

Did you use v1.00 or v1.01 of the program? With v1.01, I think, it shouldn't have crashed.

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According to the readme file in the extraction directory, it's 1.00. I didn't know it had been updated again. :oops:

It was just a quick fix so that the program shouldn't crash when you run it after long games.

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Ahh, OK. Doesn't make too much difference, though, does it? The program closes just after the crash would have happened anyway. Does it actually affect what is exported?

Downloading it now anyway. Should I send those files?

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Ahh, OK. Doesn't make too much difference, though, does it? The program closes just after the crash would have happened anyway. Does it actually affect what is exported?

Downloading it now anyway. Should I send those files?

I think that when the program crashes, it leaves off some of the html. Like my donation link, and some other little stuff. All of the data should be the same between the two versions.

I think that you should be able to piece it together yourself. If you have a game log from the middle of the game, and one from the end of the game, it should be pretty easy. For the game log from the end of the game, divide it into a three parts. Part 2 is the part that matches up batter for batter, result for result, with the first game log. Part 3 is all of the game log that comes after Part 2. Part 1 is what is before Part 2.

Reconstruct the Game log by taking the first x entries from the first game log, where x = the number of entries in Part 1 of the final game log.

Then put all of Part 2 in the game log.

Then put all of Part 3 in the game log.

Then put all of Part 1 in the game log.

You will also have to make some adjustments to the number of hits and there isn't really any way to get the correct pitch counts.

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I wish it was from the middle of the game - the modified times between the files are literally 8 minutes apart, and there was only about 5 minutes of actual gameplay at that time. The first file is from the top of the 19th, the second after the game was done at the bottom of the 19th. I can see the obvious changes such as the number of at-bats and hits etc., as well as the new pitcher, but the game log is a mess. From the in progress game, there is data to the bottom of the 15th, but after that, only the headers are there, and the donation link is at the bottom. From the final, it recorded one play in the bottom of the 15th, with nothing after that - no headers, no donation link.

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I wish it was from the middle of the game - the modified times between the files are literally 8 minutes apart, and there was only about 5 minutes of actual gameplay at that time. The first file is from the top of the 19th, the second after the game was done at the bottom of the 19th. I can see the obvious changes such as the number of at-bats and hits etc., as well as the new pitcher, but the game log is a mess. From the in progress game, there is data to the bottom of the 15th, but after that, only the headers are there, and the donation link is at the bottom. From the final, it recorded one play in the bottom of the 15th, with nothing after that - no headers, no donation link.

Wow. That was a really long game. There's not much I can do. It would probably be a good idea for you to run the program everytime you get to extra innings. :)

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Tell me about it - I started the game thinking "I'll be finished way before the Thunder pre-game show starts" - I ended up flipping out of MVP, running the BSE, starting the Thunder radio recording, going back to MVP, reducing the in-game volume, then completing the game! Absolute hell!

I think I'll take that advice - run it every time I get to extra innings. I'd pay an EA programmer to increase that 100 AB limit. Pain in the rectum. :lol:

Thanks anyway, man. :D

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Hey ty I was wondering if you ever had a chance to correct to Picthes count on the pitchers.

You need a new email address or something. I sent a file to your wellpoint address a couple of days ago.

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I just tried sending to your gmail account. But It was returned to me.

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.

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I have a WinXp machine. I downloaded the latest Boxscore Extractor and loaded it exactly as per the readme file.

I played a game and tried to run extractor, but I'm still get the following error:

"This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect"

I'm sure you've answered this before, but I couldn't find it in the forum.

Any help getting it working will be worth some bucks to you.

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Hey ty, do you think it's possible to list all the innings up on the top linescore for extra inning games?

I played an 11 inning game and it only shows 3 through 11. I went in the html and added in the missing innings per the game log, so it's not a huge deal (I do that with the "did not complete plate app." that I can remember after the game).

but if it's simple and easy to tweak, it'd be cool.

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