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how do I make an unpack.bat for the GFXpak? I want to unpack the .BIG files...

It seems like the GFXpak download should include instructions on this... or I missed them? :banghead:

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probably something like this

gfxpak -unpack datamodels.big

That's it,

If you want, just run gfxpak /? and it will give you the list of command switches available....

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Oh, I guessed this also... I suppose my problem is something else. When I start GFXpack it immediatly closes. Ive tried downloading from a few different sites, I unzip it to its own folder and it wont open... I started to think I need to run a .bat to operate it :oops:

So... something is wrong then... I should be able to run GFX on its own? :banghead:

Thank you for the quick replies btw :)

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take the gfxpak exe file out of the folder you downloaded. Place it into the mvp folder. Also, when you double click the gfxpak, it does close fast cuz thats not what you use. Thats just the program. What you need to do is create a new text file. Then open the file.

enter the command I typed above.

Save as


then in the pulldown menu below select all files. Then save. Then you double click the file you just created.

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this doesnt work. I didnt change any of the text, I just copied and pasted your line into a .txt.... Just to see if I can open the MODELS.BIG. my capitalization is perfect, everything is right. With the GFX.exe in the same directory...titled "title.bat" and of course I chose from the "all file types".

do I have to save the notepad in something other then ANSI format?

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this doesnt work. I didnt change any of the text, I just copied and pasted your line into a .txt.... Just to see if I can open the MODELS.BIG. my capitalization is perfect, everything is right. With the GFX.exe in the same directory...titled "title.bat" and of course I chose from the "all file types".

do I have to save the notepad in something other then ANSI format?

You can't run gfxpak by itself...it has to be run in a batch file with the appropriate switches on the command line..

For example:

create a txt file and name it batch.bat

Right click and "Edit" batch.bat

type the following:

gfxpak -l datamodels.big


Save the batch file and excectue it...

This gives you a list of what's inside models.big..

Now, if you replace the -l switch with -unpack it will unpack the models.big file...if you do it this way, it will unpack all those files into your main MVP 2004 folder, which probably isn't desireable. So you may want to copy and paste models.big into a new folder you call 'Modding' or something, just to help keep everything cleaner. Then put your batch file into the same folder and change the command line to 'gfxpak -unpack models.big'...that will unpack everything into that new folder rather than into your main MVP folder.

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thank you for trying to help me... But it doesnt work.

I know how to make a .bat, im making them in the directory with the gfxpack and the models.big and im just copying your command line. it doesnt work.

so frustrating. Im simply trying to pack 2 .cvs files into the rookie.big, is there another utility I could get off download.com or something that will do this?

Or can I run this command through MS-DOS directly?

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If your doing it with gfxpak in the data folder with models.big then you won't need the data in there....

for example, if you want to repack discipli.csv back into rookie.big:

gfxpak -p rookie.big discipli.csv

everything has to be in the same folder...

one of the problems I ran into early on in making my bat mods was that I had to delete the original file in the .big before the new one would take it's place..

that would look like this:

gfxpak -d rookie.big discipli.csv


gfxpak -p rookie.big discipli.csv

I always put plenty of 'pauses' in my batch files so you can see what is going on and are able to read any error messages...if you don't use the 'pause' command, things will flash by so fast you won't be able to see them.

By the way, you can run it through DOS directly by using a command line...you have to navigate your way through the command prompts to get to the correct directory and then type the 'gfxpak -p xxxxx.xxx xxx.xxx' right on the command line.

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