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How can I listen a specific sound at specific stadium.?


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I want to listen a specific sound at specific stadium.

I want to listen specific sound at Ameriquest Field in Arlington like seattle,sf

ex) teamspecific:03,teamspecific:19

How can I listen a specific sound at specific stadium.?


C:Program FilesEA SPORTSMVP Baseball 2005dataaudiohmrn_sfx open.


fireworks1.wf.wav 0

fireworks1siren1.wf.wav 326656

fireworks1siren2.wf.wav 702720

fireworks2.wf.wav 1074944

fireworks2siren1.wf.wav 1340672

fireworks2siren2.wf.wav 1715456

siren1.nf.wav 2088448

siren2.nf.wav 2475776

teamspecific:03 (Seattle?? team id=3)

fireworks1.03.wf.wav 0

fireworks1train1.03.wf.wav 326656

fireworks2.03.wf.wav 654080

fireworks2train1.03.wf.wav 919808

trainhorn1.03.nf.wav 1248000

teamspecific:19 (SF ?? team id=19)

cablecar.19.nf.wav 0

fireworks1.19.wf.wav 82688

fireworks1foghorn1.19.wf.wav 409344

fireworks2.19.wf.wav 740096

fireworks2foghorn2.19.wf.wav 1005824

foghorn1.19.nf.wav 1327104

foghorn2.19.nf.wav 1611520

watersplash.19.nf.wav 1885184

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I think I know what happens. Maybe people start a thread and don't know how to find it so they repost it. I always save threads I start in my favorites so I can find it later without any worries.

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