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need help editing players


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Like I posted yesterday, the player progression has totally messed my game up, because a lot of pitchers don't have any velocity on their pitches due to the decline in ratings. I took a look at the damage done by the progression and it seems I'll have to edit 158 (!!!) pitchers. This is time consuming and quite frankly...a shitty as job the developers at EA should be doing.

Do any of you guys know an easy way to solve this and also...how can I get the player progression to act normal? I can't seem to dl the ea patch #2, cuz I don't have #1 ( which I cannot find anywhere ).

Please help me out, cuz I'm dying to play my second season with the angels.

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okay, I reinstalled the game, downloaded the ea patch, bill harris' patch, total minors patch and a bat patch. I simmed the first dynasty season and still had pitchers with a -50 something progression. I dunno what to do, because this really sux.

any suggestions?

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