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Speed Up Gameplay?


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Ok so I have 2 problems that's keeping me from continuing from playing my Kansas City Royals Dynasty that I share on the boards.

1. Is Graphics Studdering which is a big problem to users with a laptop and cannot buy a graphics card or any card that can improve game graphics... like me.

2. Slow Gameplay, I did what users have been saying over and over again and that is close backround task, close down Virus scanners... Well I did that. The speed improve at least 25% of it's 100. The game results are very different than what I get in the PS2 verison I have (considering the score results and Homers). Also the menu starts up slow like it takes a full minute for the song title to dissapear... which is weird compared to how I seen it in PS2.

I want someone to help me improve these 2 problem and I can continue playing my dynasty and continue rolling with the dynasty I posted.

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There aren't any problems with graphics for me on my laptop. It was a bit slow today which may have cost me a win , but that was the first time I noticed it was a bit slow.

What is your video card? Go to Start-run-type dxdiag and press Display. Even though my video card is 32 mb it is a Nvidia so it works fine. Also check your laptop settings , I have to switch between max performance (least lag) and battery optimized (some lag) in order to prevent overheating.

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