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cpu always breaks up my double play attempts


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What do i need to change in the datafile to stop the cpu always breaking up my double plays ? The baserunner always knocks my filder over and he drops the ball when I attempt to complete the double play by throwing to first.

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This is an often-overlooked thing: How far do you fill up the meter on the throw to first? If you fully charge it, you will get taken out almost every time. However, if you tap it, you have a good shot at turning two (at least in my experiences).

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Another way is, once the fielder on second gets the ball, move him off the base with the 'move fielder' button (for me it is the left analog button) and throw to first at the same time. I generally push up which makes him take a few steps towards the outfield and he throws it to first without being taken out. Works for me nearly every time unless the guy running to first is real fast. Hope this helps. Oh yeah, and I fill the throw meter to just before the red line too, cos fast runners beat it out when I just tap.

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It's also important that the initial throw to second base is a hard throw...not necessarily a maxed out throw but somewhere between 2/3 to full blue should help you out because it gives you more time to fill up the throw to first.

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My problem with double plays is, every time it's a key situation and a double play could easily get me out of an inning, when i go to throw it, it's extremly slow...i'm starting to think the "pre-load" feature does not work on the pc version...

as far as breaking up Double players that happens to me about the same amount in real baseball (sometimes)

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lol i just got done playing, and in the 1st inning I run into trouble there are runners on 2nd and 3rd with 1 out, so i walk a batter to set up a double play, and i get a groud ball but what do you know it was a key situation, so the feed to 2nd base was so slow i didn't even get one out....it's pretty ridiclous, I actually started the game over, that's just stupid, you will never in your life see that done in real life...and if you do they will get the out at 2nd no question about it.

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