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Walk Up Music Problem


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I just tried to install this walk up music file:


But when I installed it the game now has no walk up music whatsoever. Previously I at least had the default walk up music. I took the batdit.ast file and put it in the folder that it said to in the ReadMe file "MVP Baseball 2005dataaudiocdaems" and still have no results. Anyone know what the problem I'm having is? I did back up my files but I was hoping I could get this to work.

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You must have a datafile with the batter walkup music turned off. You can download another datafile from this site which has it turned on, Maddidaddie has a good one version 3.1. Or you can download the DF Compression utility and edit the datafile yourself. Download maddiedaddie's datafile line spreadsheet file to help with that.

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