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MVP Baseball 2005 question


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After you put the edited .dat files in the database directory, Try pressing the reset rosters button in the manage rosters screen. That should load the .dat files from the database directory. Of if you're starting a dynasty, choose "Yes" for Use Default Rosters. That should also load the .dat files from the database directory.

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also...i edited pujols, (100 throughout vs RHP) and checked it

opened the game, edit player, and pujols is edited (100 throughout vs RHP)

then, i loaded my saved rosters, and the 100 pujols wasnt there, so i clicked reset rosters, and it set the rosters to the default in the game, but pujols with 100. basically, the rosters were as they were when u first play the game

do i have to re-do all my edits and trades through MVP Edit so that the default rosters are the updated ones?

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I just want to make sure I'm clear on what you're trying to do.

You have a saved roster in the game that you want to make a lot of changes to. But you don't want to do the editing in the game anymore.

Here is what you need to do.

1. Load your rosters in the game.

2. Run the .dat exporter ( It should work fine from the manage rosters screen.)

3. Import these .dat files into mvpedit and create an .mbe file from it.

4. Make your changes in MVPEdit

5. Export from MVPEdit into your datadatabase folder for the game

6. In the game, reset rosters or start a new season with Use Default Rosters set to Yes.

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alright, i did exactly that.

- when i created the .mbe file, the rosters were not updated, even though i loaded them through Manage Rosters

- to test it, i put pujols as perfect (not that he isnt already :D . I clicked on edit players, and he was still 91 and 91 (pwr/con vs rhp). i clicked reset rosters, and the change worked, however, it set the rosters back to their original setup, with reggie sanders on the cards, billy koch on the jays, hillenbrand on the d'backs

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  \ said:
but ya...is it possible to make the .dat explorer work without having a current dynasty or owner mode running?

Then what is the point of using the .dat I/E? It is designed FOR dynasties.

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screw it, i cant get it 2 work. the changes are made fine when you load up the game, but they dont work after i click load rosters. I made troy glaus' speed 100 to test it, and it works when hes on 'zona (which is where he is when i start up the game immediately or after clicking reset rosters). when i click load rosters, he goes to the blue birds with 66 speed rather than 100.

whatever, forget it guys. thanks anyways.

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MVPEdit modifies the default rosters, the .dat files located in the data/database directory.

If you load a different roster in the game (meaning a .sav file), it no longer uses those default roster files.

Thus, if you edit rosters with MVPEdit, then load a different roster in the game, you will no longer see your changes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What Ty said should work.

when i created the .mbe file, the rosters were not updated, even though i loaded them through Manage Rosters

Did you import the .dat files that are in the folder that the exporter is in and not the data/database folder?

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nah man, no dice. In terms of the readme, I'm stuck on step 6-7. Let me walk you through what i'm doing inn hopes of finding out what's wrong.

I pop in the MVP 2005 cd, game loads. Click on Manage Rosters, Load Rosters, and load a file called "ROSTERS.sav". I alt-tab out of MVP and open the Importer, then open MVPEdit. I click File->Import->DAT files on the taskbar, then locate EA SPORTS->MVP Baseball 2005->Data->Database, and open a file called "MVP.mbe". When that loads, all the rosters come in as the default, as if you're playing the game for the first time. I make a change to see if it works (Pujols speed to 99), and click Export to EA SPorts->MVP Baseball 2005->Data->Database, and overwrite the "MVP.mbe" file previously opened. I then open up the MVP Exporter, and once that finishes, I alt-tab back into the game. My loaded rosters remain the wy they were, however, when I click out of Manage Rosters and back into the main menu, I re-click Manage Rosters, and click Reset Rosters and Yes. Pujols' speed is now 99, however, the rosters have been thrown back to their originals, as if playing the game for the first time.

What exactly am I doing wrong???

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