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60Hz fix


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I know i posted many many times about that , you've my apologies ;).

But this is the last post for this problem.

Ok here we go :

The most of you should know that i was looking for a fix to the 60hz problem for a long time but at last it is over.

Yeah I know you think "OMFG not again" but trust me this time it is the solution

MVP 2005 was developed for consoles there it would run at 60HZ because of that , the solution from ea was to set your screen to 60hz and activate V-Sync ingame.

But now think a little bit further , what happens if you would use your "TV OUT" of you graphic card ? the game will run with a max 60 FPS on your tv because V-Sync says that the game is not allowed to get more frames then the Hz that are setted for the screen , now think even more further.

What happens if you clone your screen (running the game at the tv and the pc monitor at the same time) yes youre right ;), because of the cloning, the game cant get more then 60 FPS because the TV cant support it but at the same time the PC monitor can still run with more then 60hz.

So clone your pc display with your tv (you can force tv detection then you can use cloning even if you dont have your graphic card connected with your tv ) , use your refresh rate override , run mvp 2005 , enjoy and lets have a little party for all who have waiten for this ;)


------> BTW: this post should get sticky ;) <-----

"to overwrite your current Refresh Rate you just have to do this steps

ATI : go to the controlcenter and there go to the "Display Options" and use "3D Refresh Rate Override"

NVIDIA: use the coolbits registry entry , restart your computer and then you will have a new option in you nvidia control center where you can override your current refresh rate.

(more infos you can find at http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=815)

I used 85hz but you should get sure that your monitor can operate at your selected refresh rate

I dont take any responsibilty for damage of your Monitor"

If you have any further questions contact me via ICQ 167933508

:pals: :pals: plz post some answers and tell me that youre happy ;) :pals: :pals:

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Nobody has answered this because it has been figured out when it the official first patch was released, and it was discussed in this thread

i dont see the connection between this post and my post ^^

maybe i didnt explain it well enough , i play the game with more then 60Hz but i get the same result as i would play it with 60hz

but what you suggest in the other thread is to use this overide in dxiag but then the game will run at 60hz

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your point is to get the game smooth with 60hz , my point is to get the game smooth with more then 60hz to avoid eye pain (i hope you know 60hz isnt healthy for your eyes) thats what i was looking for , i just knew before that the game runs smooth at the 60hz

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MalibuKiller... let's say I was to use your solution. Would my game speed stay the same as if it were 60 hz? Because when I upped my speed to 100hz which is what I play all my other games at, the speed of the gameplay went ballistic. Are you saying with your solution this will no longer happen?

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exactly thats what iam saying it wont happen anymore because the game cant get more then 60FPS because the tv is running at 60hz and with v-sync on its just cant get higher than 60fps but at the same time the pc monitor is running at more then 60hz but the pc monitor also cant get more then 60fps because of cloning the display on the tv and with the "Forced TV Detection" you dont need a tv

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exactly thats what iam saying it wont happen anymore because the game cant get more then 60FPS because the tv is running at 60hz and with v-sync on its just cant get higher than 60fps but at the same time the pc monitor is running at more then 60hz but the pc monitor also cant get more then 60fps because of cloning the display on the tv and with the "Forced TV Detection" you dont need a tv

That's highly interesting. The only downside I can see is, when I play other games I will only get a max of 60 fps. (unless I go in & change my graphics settings every time I play another game)

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I don't understand what the big deal is with running at 60Hz for 20-30 minutes at a time.

Enlighten me?

I will sometimes play for 2 hours straight. (if I am playing my friend online) Each game takes an hour & we many times play two games at a time.

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I can understand multiple online games like that where you don't spend any time in the menus.

For normal dynasty/owner mode play where you spend a significant amount of time in the menus, the easiest solution is to simply set a refresh rate override for the 800x600 resolution (which the menus run in). Assuming that you use a higher resolution for the actual on-field play.

Personally I run at 100Hz while in the menu, the breaks between games is more than enough to offset the strain 60Hz puts on the eyes during the game.

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snepp why dont you wanne just use this method instead of discuss 60hz or not ?

where is the problem to use higher hz for you monitor ? i dont get it , i thought i would make everybody a favor to post this solution

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Dont you think we should get that thread sticky then ? , not that i insist it and i dont wanne peeve you with it , i dont care that much about it but i just thought it is important enough , its your choice iam just a member youre are the moderators you know what is important and whats not.

iam off that discussion now

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I tried it. I play the game at 1280 x 1024. I forced T.V. detection. I have coolbits installed also. (I have an nvidia 6800 ultra) I adjusted my refresh rate to 100hz. I have V-sync enabled ingame. (& in my video card settings)

My results were... the game did speed up on me. (not as bad as simply overriding the refresh rate, but nevertheless it sped up)

Secondly, the stutter fix that the patch fixed was undone. I now had stuttering on balls thrown across the infield whereas before using the fix, the ball moved as smooth as silk.

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