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Since the Expos are leaving anyway...


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Anyone up to making some fantasy unis for their projected cities? They will most likely end up being the Washington Senators (third times a charm!) So maybe a modernization of the Sens unis? Or maybe someone has an idea for totally different Sens unis. Or maybe you think they will end up in Monterrey... Just a thought, could be interesting...

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They won't be moving to DC until the league is convinced though that they won't take away any of the Orioles' fans. They have to address that one first. But they'll end up going there eventually it seems like.

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They won't be moving to DC until the league is convinced though that they won't take away any of the Orioles' fans. They have to address that one first. But they'll end up going there eventually it seems like.

i don't like the idea of them being called the Senators either. i wish they would just close up shop and be done with the whole organization. did you all see that non-play by Carl Everett today? he should be the one sent to Mexico, the Mexican league.

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Selig should be shot. He's ruined the game.

Gives Loria the Expos in hopes he runs the franchise to the ground. Comes very close. Then is allowed to buy the Marlins.

Henry is sold the Red Sox even though there were offers almost $90m more than Henry's. Reason he got it? Him and Selig are buddies. Then you take into light the Brewers. That team has sucked *** for how many years, but contraction was never even mentioned in Milwaukee. Selig said he would take over as commissioner for an interm basis. That was 12 years ago. He still has an active interest in the Brewers even though on paper his daughter is the owner. Now he wants Montreal out of the league completly.

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Selig should be shot. He's ruined the game.

A few things to note.

The Commissioner has a responsibility to his employers, who are the owners. There's not a whole lot he can do without a basic agreement.

Also, I'm personally think the game is thriving at the moment.

You wanna know what, in my opinion, hurt Baseball a LOT?

The owners refusing to give in some conessions to the players, forcing the whole thing to go to the courts, etc., and basically making it possible to pay someone $20+ million dollars a year, and then trade him away a few seasons later when you realize you probably can't spend $20mil on one position, and still be competitive.

Ah the owners. Without them, there would be no game, so I can't hate them all that much. But the only reason they might care about what the average fan thinks is how it can relate to boosting revenue. It's a buisiness, viddy?

Not that the players are angels either. In the beginning, from the history I've read, it's obvious they had real concerns and legitimate gripes, and deserved more freedom. But when the strike happened in 1994, fans weren't just upset with the owners, it was both sides they were disgusted with, and that's why baseball took such a beating.

And now, I am so far off topic, I'm not even sure what I was posting on.

Thank you, goodnight.

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Selig should be shot. He's ruined the game.

Gives Loria the Expos in hopes he runs the franchise to the ground. Comes very close. Then is allowed to buy the Marlins.

Henry is sold the Red Sox even though there were offers almost $90m more than Henry's. Reason he got it? Him and Selig are buddies. Then you take into light the Brewers. That team has sucked *** for how many years, but contraction was never even mentioned in Milwaukee. Selig said he would take over as commissioner for an interm basis. That was 12 years ago. He still has an active interest in the Brewers even though on paper his daughter is the owner. Now he wants Montreal out of the league completly.

Did you read that series in the Washington Post about Washington baseball? It brought to light a lot of the points you mentioned. Here is the link http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/sport...mlb/washington/ You probably have to register(its free), but if you are a baseball fan its an interesting read. The articles in the series are "Built on shaky ground", "Expos-Pawn of Selig" and "Selig weighs his options". Besides, if you register, you can read the ramblings of Kornheiser and Wilpon... ;)

And getting back to my original post, I just figured that the 'Spos will eventually end up here. I just wanted to see some concepts for uniforms for the cities they would end up in, whether it be DC, NoVa, Portland, Monterrey, LV or somewhere else....

But if the SF-Oakland metro can support two teams, then the Balt-DC-NoVa area certainly can... I personally think it would be interesting for them to go to Monterrey. Heck, they wouldnt really need to change their name. Montreal means Royal Mountain, Monterrey means Kings Mountain. I think they would make a legitimate city for the Expos... http://www.cincypost.com/2004/03/02/monterrey03-02-2004.html

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Well, they draw just as bad in PR as they do in Montreal. The DC/Northern Va bids are the strongest for many reasons, mostly a large wealthy population. But the only sticking point is Peter Angelos and his very large TV contracts in the DC area for the Orioles. Portland is a gorgeous city, but a rather unknown quantity. Vegas is a joke. No way would they support a team. And Monterrey would be interesting, and they are the wealthiest, cleanest city in Mexico, but again, the support factor is unknown, and I dont think they plan on building a new stadium, which is one of Seligs sticking points....

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let's hope so

Amen!! The pitching is watered down enough because of too many teams already. I bet the pitchers from the 50's and 60's watch some of these clowns today and laugh at how bad they are. Most of today's major league pitchers wouldn't even be on triple A teams back then.

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Here's a list of stadiums where the Expos would most likely play in for there first year or two in perspective cities:

If they moved to Washington DC, they would use RFK stadium for a few years until a new stadium would be built. I think the closest thing to RFK these days would be the park in Oakland.

If they move to Norfolk/Hampton roads, they'd probably use Harbor Park, home of the Norfolk Tides. I have no idea what Park most closely represents Harbor park, so help me here.

If to Vegas, they'd probably use Cashman field of the 51's for a year. I think Cashman Field resembles one of the AA stadiums.

If they played in Monterrey, I have no idea where they'd play.

If they went to Puerto Rico, they'd play in Hiram Bithorn for a season or two.

Also, check out these proposals for parks for the Expos:


Above is the proposed park that would be built for the Expos in Las Vegas after a year or two.


Above is the proposal for a Washington Ballpark to be built in Washington after a year or two in RFK. It strikes me as...... Camden Yardish...

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And yeah, if Baseball ever expands again, it would have to merge with another entity. And I don't see the MLB swallowing the Japanese league whole anytime soon (although the Japanese League IS in trouble financially).

Actually, that'd make a interesting idea. That would cement Baseball as the supreme ruler of all non-european sports. Now if only we can convince those Football wackos that TV ratings don't matter.....

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The problem with baseball (I mean supporters) is that if you don't understand it, you hate it. Beleve me, I'm latin, and I know how non-caribbean latins think. Football (soccer) is their sport, I like it too, by the way. But soccer is basic enough to understand it at first sight (game basics), it doesn't matter if you like it or not, that's not the point. Europeans think the same way, the only non-european sport they like is basketball.

This happens 'cause beseball is the sport of situations. When you think you have seen it all, then a new situation happens, so it is very hard to understand to people who is not close to where the game is played and broadcasted. I've asked so many people from everywere and they just say 'I hate baseball'. Yeah, poor them, but they use that 'I hate it' to hide their real "I don't understand it". That should be the root of Quebeq people poor support for the Expos. :?

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If Bug Selig wants a stadium allready in place for Expos then only place that has stadium in place for the Expos right know is in Orlando and it is called Cracker Jack Stadium where the Braves have home Spring Trianing games its at the Disney Sports Complex

Orlando has the Transportation,places to sleep,roads,major highways,eat,shop and attractions in place for them

The Magic has been to the finals 2 years in a row,the Predators have won the Arena Bowl Championship and Solar Bears won the Turner Cup Championship in the same year the league was folded at the end

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They had Labatt Park a while before as a plan for a new stadium in Montreal, what the hell happened to it? It looked real nice..

BTW, I don't think Florida is that big to have three teams, its not as big as California.

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They had Labatt Park a while before as a plan for a new stadium in Montreal, what the hell happened to it? It looked real nice..

BTW, I don't think Florida is that big to have three teams, its not as big as California.

I agree. Florida shouldnt even have sports teams. No matter what happens with the team like championships (Both the Bucs and Lightning are examples of this) the ratings and fan base doesn't grow. Florida residents would rather get a buzz off gas fumes as they watch NASCAR
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If you look at that article, they talk about the new stadium that was supposed to be built in Montreal. The government told Selig that they werent going to give them a dime toward it, no matter what. So it died. And as far as existing stadiums, DC would use RFK. And Monterrey has a Mexican league team that has a stadium. And the owner, who is part of the ownership group that wants to bring the Expos there, is in the construction business and is or has upgraded the stadium (I'm not sure, my Spanish is pretty bad...) Here is their main site (in Spanish) http://www.sultanes.com.mx/ and the minor league baseball page about them... http://www.minorleaguebaseball.com/teams/view.asp?id=206 . Here is a good article about the Monterrey bid for the Expos. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/da...ball.5f534.html

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I agree. Florida shouldnt even have sports teams. No matter what happens with the team like championships (Both the Bucs and Lightning are examples of this) the ratings and fan base doesn't grow. Florida residents would rather get a buzz off gas fumes as they watch NASCAR

Not have sports teams is a stretch. Have so many sports teams isn't. The Dolphins get alot of support if I remember correctly. The problem is mainly with the Tampa Bay sports teams, most people in Tampa are over the age of 65. They can just watch it on TV if they want to watch sports.

In celebration of the Lightning winning the stanley cup, 350,000 people filled the streets of Tampa. In celebration of the Flames simply MAKING IT to the Stanley Cup, 400,00 fans filled the streets of calgary.

I once went to a Devil Rays game when I was down there (BTW, Tropicana field is underrated), and want to know who was there (this may have changed, since the Devil Rays are now in a record 3RD PLACE)? It consisted 70% of hecklers ("YOU GUYS ARE BUMS!" "HEY, YOU, YES, YOU, THE FAN IN LEFT FIELD! WANNA HAVE A CONVERSATION? CAUSE THIS CROWD IS DEAD!").

You see, the problem is (at least with the devil rays), the old fans are still reminiscing of the Yankees and Red Sox. And the young fans know that the D-rays have been one of the worst expansion teams since the Mets.

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Amen!! The pitching is watered down enough because of too many teams already. I bet the pitchers from the 50's and 60's watch some of these clowns today and laugh at how bad they are. Most of today's major league pitchers wouldn't even be on triple A teams back then.

Oh please. This is such a tired argument. Stadiums were bigger back then, batters weren't all muscled up and looking for home runs, the mound was higher. The rules of the game have changed, and now favor the hitters. Back then, the pitcher had a much larger advantage. Gibson would NEVER have 1.12 ERA in this day and age, nobody would.

In 1950, there were 2.5 billion people. Today, there are 6.2 billion. Over twice as many people on this planet, and you don't think there's enough to support twice as many teams as there were back then? Beyond that, nearly all the players in the 50's and most of the players in the 60's were coming from America. There were some latin ballplayers, but nothing like today. The world presence just wasn't there yet.

Competitive balance has shifted in the last 40 years. Just like pitchers dominated in the 50's and 60's, now it's the hitters that dominate. For the two sides to be in balance, the rules need to change, and a good start would be raising the mound back to where it was back then.

This won't happen because the powers that be would rather have 12-10 games than 2-1 games. But don't blame expansion for it, the game has evolved for better or worse.

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Oh please. This is such a tired argument. .

but yet you continued posting anyways. Besides, it's his opinion so don't bash the guy for it. He isn't right and he isn't wrong. It's his opinion so let him have his say
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