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Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06


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OK, for anyone who doesn't have it already they should get the career editor from easports.com. It lets you change, rename, and reorder all the tournamnets for your career. I like it to be realistic so I changed it to the real PGA Schedule

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I only play Links 2003. I know that the game is 4 years, but I think it is still better than TW.

Here are links to three sites where modders like for MVP Baseball, have kept Links 2003 updated as if it was a new version.




There are thousands of courses to choose from. I believe the courses for Links 2003 are far more realistic than the TW courses.

There is is a new Mod 1.06 that makes the fairway and greens play more realistic as we see on the PGA Tour. This same Mod gives greater distance to your clubs, just as todays pros.

Links also has Real Time swing method, plus the regular 2 & 3 click.

Links 2003 can be picked up cheap on Ebay. Then you can d/l all the add-ons. A small number of courses are for pay, but are some of the best made, and well worth the $3. or $4.

If you are not sold on TW, it would be worth it to browse the above links, to get a feel for Links 2003. The realistic look of some of the better courses will blow you away.

Hey Albie, thanks for the heads up. I ordered Links 03 on ebay so I'll be be checking those sites out as soon as I get my copy.

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Hey Albie, thanks for the heads up. I ordered Links 03 on ebay so I'll be be checking those sites out as soon as I get my copy.

I think you will enjoy it.

When you get the hang of the game, you might want to join an on/off-line tour. Check out:


You can play at any level you want, on-line or off-line. There is a handicap system that it makes it fair to compete against others. I play off-line, and it's easy to up load your scores.

I hope you enjoy. If you have any questions, just ask on one of the sites or drop me a message.

Just like here, at MVPMods, you should register as a member to get full benefits. Be sure to download Augusta National 2006. It may be the best course ever designed for Links 2003, and it's free. But there are so many great ones to choose from.

Here a site that gives you a rundown on the best courses.


Good luck.

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