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Box Score Extractor on One page


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If you want to fit those **beautiful** .html box scores from Ty's Box Score Extractor on one page for printing it's fairly easy to do if you have MS Front Page. Just click on the .html file and select open with Front Page. Go into the main tables (Hitting, Fielding and Pitching) and set the cell padding to 1. Then save the file, re-open it in Explorer and print (make sure you have your left and right margins at .25). Here's a sample - I sent it to a .pdf - from a game I played today. There were double switches, pinch-runners and all kinds of cool krap in this one. It still fit easily.


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  \ said:
Why are pages 2 and 3 blank?

I'm not quite sure - that's happened when I tried to print from Explorer. It should have continued with the play by play. I should have just selected print from page 1 to 1. It's the main section that I want to fit on just one page and this seems to work. It did the same thing - not print page 2 and after - with the cell padding at it's default 3.

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