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Ivanhoe, shut up. Thr33nil isn't a Yankee fan.

BITE ME! I wasn't talking to you! I also wasn't criticizing him, I think he does great work. I just don't understand why the world revolves around the Yankees.

Yes, they are a great team, but there are several great teams in the Majors.

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the world doesn't revolve around the yankees. he mods whoever he wishes to mod and that's pretty much it. call it a coincidence. but even if it wasn't, that's his perogative. is that spelled right? but yeah, it does look pretty damned good.

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Sorry for being out of line.

No D-Unit, it was my fault. When I went back and read what I wrote, I could see how it would anger any Yankee fan.

You have my apology.

I hope you guys enjoy Sanchez and Whelan, they're good ones.

And I hope Sheffield stays healthy...and Ordonez...and Pudge.

(Oh God, we're screwed. ;) )

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Heres a crumby attempt at an Kei Igawa face. I was only able to find one mug shot of him online and its really small, shadowed and ..actually, no good for making a cyberface. But I tried anyway and pieced something together as a sort of "filler" I guess. I doubt we will see any high-rez shots of him before he hits the bigs.

Making Igawa because since our (Mariner fans) hopes were dashed with all the Matsuzaka non-sense, I am really hoping for the Mariners to get Schmidt and either Igawa or Kuroda.

We'll see. I think Hiroki Kuroda has a decent mug shot so I may give him a shot in the future.


Crumby? That looks awesome!

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i'd take AJ Zapp, as he was my favorite Rainier a few years ago. He has a pressbox, but he hasnt shown up in the majors yet and i doubt he will now. I think hes on the Jacksonville suns these days, not sure though.

You gotta love that HR or K type of batter, too bad these days its heavy K and not so much HR.

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woah, im actually not talking about sexson, i was still talking about zapp. But yeah, i should look up that article on espn about sexsons foul pole bomb, i think it was projected to go 550+ feet. Insane, but he did get the worlds longest triple.

plus i think zapp is 6'4 or something like that

maybe the projection was when he hit himself on the chase field scoreboard

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if anyone has espn insider, i'm pretty sure this is the article talking about sexsons flag pole shot. Stupid espn makes all their archives insider only


Never mind that last link. i found it, read it


under "patriot of the half-year"

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Just uploaded the last Matsuzaka touch-up Im going to do. That picture just wasn't good enough to do a face but I think it turned out ok. Reviewers seem to think differently.. sheesh.. I got bombed on this face. lol

Eh, who cares. Want a better one. Make it yourself.


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I did not like it because of the eye brows. Would I like to use it, heck yeah. I was giving constructive criticism because your face was only a tad off to me. So don't take my review as a "kill the modder" review.

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