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As Hory said, better to have constructive criticism rather than "OMG 5 stars how do I install it?"

Thr33nil is one of this site's better cyberface contributors, a three star review is not meant as a knock against him. The face is good, just I know Thr33nill is capable of making it better.

Once Dice signs on the dotted line it'll be a must have in any models.big.

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Adam Eaton up...

Just figured I would do a few faces for guys the Mariners might be interested in. Don't think for a second I'm excited about it :(


Should be up in the download section shortly...

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Just figured I would do a few faces for guys the Mariners might be interested in. Don't think for a second I'm excited about it :(

Well if you're not that excited about it...how about Bobby Kielty? :D

Thanks :wtg:

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May have to give Ohka a face. On top of the fact that the EA's version is horribly off, I fear he will be one of the two pitchers the Mariners land this year.

Also, to the reviewer that was asking if Eaton had been traded to Seattle. No... he hasn't. Nor have they signed him. I'm just making faces of potential Mariner targets and putting them in Mariner unis for the preview.

Heres a request for KG or anyone else out there that is good at finding player mug shots. I am looking for a Ryan Feierabend pic to make a cyber out of and haven't found anything suitable as of yet. Curious if any Mariner fan or portrait guy can scrounge one up for me?

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I think I remember doing his portrait, and I couldn't find anything large enough to be considered cyberface worthy. The only thing I could find was that 150x210 little picture that I'm sure you already have.

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Our best chance of finding those big ones would've been the 05 season when he played for IE. San Antonio doesn't have their own team website, so player pictures for them are nowhere to be found. milb.com has a few for player on SA, but they're all too small.

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Who needs a high res photo??? Not me! Check out this beaut- hahahah

I'm guessing this sets a new benchmark for quality cyberface creation!

Now kids, this is what happens when you try and make a face out of an almost useless photo.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Released the Fausto Carmona and Billy Butler faces I had stashed away. They are by no means perfect but I don't have much time to work on mods that much anymore and I had a couple requests to release them "as is".

I did try and clean them up a tad bit. The Billy Butler one looks better IMO as well as does the Carmona face. I still never figured out how to make Carmona not look so dee-dah-dee, but its still ok I guess.

Should be up soon.


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