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What's the best Datafile for Human vs Computer play?


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Could someone tell me what the best Datafile for Human vs Computer play is? There seems to be alot of datafiles out there. Preferably, I would like one without different camera views, and one that allows the computer to steal...Thanks!

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i'm using this specially made one,

it has roddata7 w chuks fielding cams, Kamasutra's fisheye batting cam, my WIP pitcher cam, + Boricuapappis major animations adjustments, evrything runs a lot smother even with most 2x uniforms, it has my new icons and pip windows WIp, it should be sweet!

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i'm using this specially made one,

it has roddata7 w chuks fielding cams, Kamasutra's fisheye batting cam, my WIP pitcher cam, + Boricuapappis major animations adjustments, evrything runs a lot smother even with most 2x uniforms, it has my new icons and pip windows WIp, it should be sweet!

LOL, I love that sig you have there rolie....Ummm...would it be somehow possible to ask you how or where you got that datafile??

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o i had most of it sent form a friend, + my tweaks and new camz and pip windows etc, but i should release maybe this week, Just getting permission from everyone that's touched it lolz, kinda hard tracking down everyone since its been touched by a lot of people

good to see you have a sense of humor,

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o i had most of it sent form a friend, + my tweaks and new camz and pip windows etc, but i should release maybe this week, Just getting permission from everyone that's touched it lolz, kinda hard tracking down everyone since its been touched by a lot of people

good to see you have a sense of humor,

sounds good....

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I'm interested in this as well. I've never posted here, I've just browsed the forums for a while.

I'm using RoDData7 and I can't hit home runs on All-Star Mode, but it is way too easy on Pro mode. I tried editing the data file with the things Kama suggested but I couldn't find the values he was talking about.

So basically I'm looking for a good human vs. computer mod to play on All-Star mode, yet still makes it possible to get a home run. (A meatball over the middle of the play should NOT be a pop-up with Travis Hafner up.)



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i'm using this specially made one,

it has roddata7 w chuks fielding cams, Kamasutra's fisheye batting cam, my WIP pitcher cam, + Boricuapappis major animations adjustments, evrything runs a lot smother even with most 2x uniforms, it has my new icons and pip windows WIp, it should be sweet!

That would actually be the ULTIMATE datafile if it got released...perfect gameplay mod, perfect batting cam, perfect fielding cam, and looks to be the perfect pitching cam....now,if only that damn runner PIP thing could be moved

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