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stupid headphones won't work with ipod

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i use a panasonic earphones usually to listen to the ipod, becuase i don't paturcally like the stock earphones. i will wear them, but i perfer the over ear headphones. usually, they work fine, but today, they won't work on the ipod, no sound at all, put in the stock and they sound fine. i tested the other phones on other devices, works fine. wonder what's going on here? it just happened today.

maybe a reset should help.

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update. a reset of the ipod fixed the problem...kinda. now the sound is gargled on the headpones (still working good on the apple default as earlier). i'll run some tests on the third party headphones (gargle) tmorrow to see if the headphones are broken now, and if not, what exactly happened. two resets have not gotten rid of the gargle.

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Haven't had that problem with any headphones yet, but one day all of a sudden, none of the CPU's I have would read my iPod so of course I started freaking out and all, but then I was like hey, just do a reset, so I did and it worked. So for anyone that reads this and this happens to you, you know what to do. Damn technology.

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I never had a problem with headphones for mine. UI own a 30 gb Video and i used the old school Sonys. Enourmus headphones. No problem though.

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okay, update #2. all other headphones in the house work fine with the ipod expect the panasonic. i will be going in further to see if the earphones have gone bad, which sucks, becuase i just bought them six months ago....grr. i shouldn't have to replace them this fast....they were about 20 bucks btw.

and now, i have another ipod problem (maybe). earlier, when trying to update the ipod, it kept dissconecting (computer problem) during the update and of course that means lots o problems. i reset the computer and did an update properly and so far no problems, expect there is now a reset warnings tab when i right click my ipod. wonder what that means? is there something wrong with the ipod?

more on reset warnings: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=302435

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tested the panasonic headphones...they don't work with other devices and outputs. it was the headphones, not the ipod. looks like i may have to buy another set of headphones...i rather have the under ear headphones most of the time rather than the apple buds, which are okay, but i rather have earphones.

the reset warning was just nothing. it's just a thing to warn if they can't transfer. thanks anyway.

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