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Game Crashes at random.


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I installed the stock 2005 game on tuesday, along with the total conversion MVP 06, and my game seems to randomly crash, I've only been able to fnish one game so far, mthe game crashes and my computer goes black and makes odd noises. Is this a common problem? Is there anyway to fix this? Thanks

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You most likley have a virus. I doubt its a game because i have had no problems with it. The only crashes ive heard of are the "angels stadium crash".

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Does your monitor go on stand-by mode and your computer doesn't respond at all anymore? If so, try turning down the graphics. This problem occurs when you don't have enough power comming from your power supply.

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could it be he doesn't have an updated models.big? i hear that's usually the case most of the time. it used to happen to me. look for the huge models.big file. it should be like 768 mb or something to that extent.

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