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Intensity Rating with MVPEdit / How does it impact the game?


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Would be very interested in hearing opinions on how the Team / Intensity ratings impact the game. In particular the Home Field Intensity rating but also the Intensity rating versus other teams.

I have experimented a bit with this and haven't come to any solid conclusions but it appears to me that with Home Field Intensity set to Zero a team is likely to not win nearly as many Home games as when it is set to either 1 or 2.

I had read elsewhere in this forum that someone thought these ratings only impacted the Crowd size and noise. My brief experiment (20 or so games) can't disprove that theory and in all honesty I hope that theory is correct.

Lastly, I would also like to know if this can be set within the game itself and if so where? Appreciate any opinions or discussions on this subject.



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