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Plenty of Portrait Problems


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So i'm using the latest Total Minors Rosters and the Total Minors Portrait Update that has over 3000 portraits. So I read somewhere that MVPEdit wont work properly with all those portraits in there.

So I just got into editing portraits in Adobe Photoshop and I wanted to start putting some of my stuff in the game. After reading several Portrait FAQ's, it is my understanding that I cannot put portraits with transparent backgrounds into the game without MVPEdit. Is this true? Is there a way I can put my transparent background portraits in the game just using, say, the EA graphics editor and FSH'd? I hope so, cause I have some really wicked pics I wanna put in the game.

Any help would be appreciated.

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You only need MVPedit to change the player portrait ids, this still works of course even if u have 3000+ pics as you can turn off the portrait display option.

With Photoshop if u save the pic as a psd file u can import it with fshed using the psd import plugin. You dont need alpha bmps or anything if u import psd files.

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Oh yeah, you probably already know this but make sure that the image you import is 128x128 and to maintain correct proportions the image has to be 'stretched' so that it looks correct in the game by resizing it so that the height is 82% of the width as described here

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You only need MVPedit to change the player portrait ids, this still works of course even if u have 3000+ pics as you can turn off the portrait display option.

With Photoshop if u save the pic as a psd file u can import it with fshed using the psd import plugin. You dont need alpha bmps or anything if u import psd files.

doing this way you get a glow around the players, if you do it the correct way you do not.

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