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Registry Editing with .bat or .exe?


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Alright, i'm sorta a noob with .bat files and creating them so i dont know what i can do and what i cant with them.... i have a dual core macbook pro, and i have run into a couple problems with my games.... If i played the way it came, then madden and mvp ran way too quickly, it would skip 2-3 seconds at a time because of the dynamic switching in the processor, but nba would run fine. So, i researched this and found microsoft had a hotfix out to solve this. When I did that, mvp and madden work great, but nba live crashes when you try to go to actual gameplay. You can boot up the game and do rosters, dynastys or whatnot, but you cant actually play. SOOOO, i researched this some more and i found by editing the value of a registry key, I can get it to run, (simply changing the value from 0 to 1 or 1-0, i forget) that the game runs fine. So my question is, is it possible to create a small program that by clicking on it would make this registry change and maybe a reverse one as well? Also, the registry value resets at restart.... Any help on how to do this would be much appreciated.... kraw... i hope you see this... you're amazing with this stuff lol

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thats what i was afraid of and i havent seen him around lately :( but i found a temporary solution.... i discovered that in the registry editor, you can make a favorites list.... so until i can get some help... i am just opening up the regeditor, selecting the favorite and manually editing... kraw... i need you man lol

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