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Upgrading my computer

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I've been putting some money aside and I am going to upgrade my computer pretty soon. I already know what I want to do but I have two questions about this. First, I have Norton Antivirus and Internet Security 2006. Does anyone use that, and if so, how do you like it?

My second question has to do with our Mvp game itself. I got to reinstall the game but I don't want to go through the hassle of putting every mod back on this. It will take me a long time. I know I can save all the modded stadiums to disc, but what else should I save that would save me time? I am kind of thinking the portraits.big and models.big. Anything else?

Thank you.

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I've been putting some money aside and I am going to upgrade my computer pretty soon. I already know what I want to do but I have two questions about this. First, I have Norton Antivirus and Internet Security 2006. Does anyone use that, and if so, how do you like it?

I read an article about spyware/viruses recomending that you use one commercial and one free product. The reason for this is that major commercial spyware/virus products (Webroot,Norton,ECT) may actually be involved in creating/spreading new viruses and spyware forcing consumers to keep updating and buying the newer version or products. I mean this sounds crazy and has never been proved BUT does make sence. So the article reccomends one of these commercial products and one free product with no "hidden agenda" for a true cleaning and protection of your system.

Just for the record I don't belive in this 100%

I'm just pasing on some info

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I tried to transfer my mods to my new computer by disc once, they will go on the disc, but when I put it in my new computer they wouldn't show up. So i went on ebay and bought a memory stick. I bought a 128 MB one, and then i would just move as many mods as i could on to the drive, and put it in my new computer and load it on there. Then I just earased the mods i loaded and loaded more on to it. You can repeat this process for many times. Heres the link for them...E-bay

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Y4L, if you have the ability to save the whole game folder I would do that. You would have the same game just on a different computer. All you would need to do is put the .exe file on your desktop. It should work, I've done it with the Total Classics, but not with MVP 06. If you could fine a removable hard drive or a rahter large memory stick you could pull it off.

Or, you could use Johnson989's suggestion.

That's just my stab at it. I pulled it off when I upgraded my computer a while ago, but I had a removable hard drive.

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I saved my entire modded game on an external harddrive, then installed the game on my new computor, (you need to do this to get the correct DLL's and redgestry settings, then I copied the saved mvp file from the external harddrive to the newly created mvp folder on the computor. everything works fine :)

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yea what i did to transfer to my laptop... installed the game and patches, then copied the entire mvp folder on to my ipod (i have a 30 gig one... great external harddrive/media player lol) and then pasted... and eveything is beautiful

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yea what i did to transfer to my laptop... installed the game and patches, then copied the entire mvp folder on to my ipod (i have a 30 gig one... great external harddrive/media player lol) and then pasted... and eveything is beautiful

I like that. Way to think outside the box. :wtg:

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