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ILF Updates


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I am just getting back in country from Iraq and have downloaded the ILF version of the game. It looks great.

I was wondering if anyone can provide some help to me. I would like to update the game as much as possible. So my question is,

1) Best updates for rosters?

2) Can I download a file with all the Total Portraits for 2006 in them or do I need to do by team?

3) I am looking to update all stadiums. Is there a single file for the 2006 season? If not, which stadium files are the most acrurate?

4) Uniform updates? Best one to use.

Thank you for any help that is provided to me.

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Welcome home. :hail:

(1) Ultimate Rosters 7.1

(2)By Team

(3)You'll have to download them individually. Any stadiums by Pirate. Especially his '06 Busch Stadium mod.

(4)KCcitystar's uniforms are what I use. They look great.

Again, welcome home.

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Welcome home curve_fan. I was over in Iraq in 90-92. Good to see another one of ours back home safe. :wtg:

Also, the mods make this game rock. You will not be dissapointed.

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Glad to hear you are home safe! Ya these mods our great. MVP 06 Mod is coming out again in a little bit. There is a thread some where out their that gives some incite into the project.

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Welcome back!

1)UR 7.1

2)I think there's a set with all the teams, but that one's a bit outdated. If you want absolutely current ones you have to download them by team.

3)You're going to have to download them seperate. Pirate's got alot of great ones (see New Busch) Sean O does fantastic detailed work, bodhiball's got some great minor league stadiums, and hyman and co. did a great Yankee Stadium. I think i'm missing someone...

4)Kccitystar's (they're 2x so they may cause lag on some computers) + TheSpungo's KC Pack and all the minor league unis available. I would start with Big Shmooz's models.big (anyone) install KC's and Spungo's unis over them. You should have everything you need after that.

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